Could Retinoic Acid Hold The Key To A Cure for Aging?

Monday, February 24, 2014

 Regenerative Medicine
At the SENS Foundation Conference, Malcolm Maden from the University of Florida detailed how the organism can regrow limbs and organs, and what implications this may have for regenerative medicine.

The most amazing organ regenerative ability is displayed by salamanders and other Urodele amphibians such as axolotls which can regenerate brains, spinal cord, limbs, tails, heart, lower jaw and other structures.

At the SENS Foundation Conference (SENS6), Malcolm Maden from the University of Florida detailed how the organism can regrow limbs and organs, and what implications this may have for regenerative medicine.

There are many reasons for studying regenerative mechanisms in these organisms and one of the most intriguing may be the relation between regeneration and aging.

How old are the cells of a regenerated organ -- the same as the host animal or is age reset in a dedifferentiated multipotent stem cell? Nothing is known about this phenomenon apart from the demonstration that regenerative ability does not decline with age in Urodeles -- the quality of the last regenerate is as good as the first.

limb regeneration

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Even without this knowledge, the ability to induce organ regeneration in humans would have a huge impact on aging and longevity.

According to Maden, his team has had some success at inducing regeneration in mammals by extrapolating from our understanding of axolotl regeneration, in particular concerning one developmental signaling molecule, retinoic acid.

As Maden shows, this molecule is critically required for limb development, limb regeneration, heart regeneration and when administered in excess induces the duplication of limbs.  His research is revealing the mechanism of action and targets in the nucleus are gradually and how it interacts with other developmental signaling pathways.

Malcolm Maden - limb regeneration

Most importantly for Maden, his team has found that retinoic acidcan induce a regenerative response in mammalian organs which cannot normally regenerate such as the lung and the spinal cord.

"We have therefore referred to this molecule as a regeneration-inducing molecule. Our recent studies have also revealed the role of retinoic acid in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and in a mouse model of this disease it has the remarkable effect of reducing plaque load and the levels of the toxic Ab peptide in the brain," he says. "Retinoic acid may thus really have life-extending properties and we anticipate that further research may also give us insights into the ageing process itself."

SOURCE  SENS Foundation

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