Medical Tech Innovations That Can Change Our World

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Medical Tech Innovations That Can Change Our World

Medical technology saves countless lives every single day, yet it normally does not receive the same amount of attention and glamour as other electronics. Here is a closer look at five of the most amazing innovations that are revolutionizing healthcare today.

Medical tech innovations are changing the world that we live in for the better. The innovations in health care are astounding. They are allowing doctors to deliver more efficient healthcare and treat a wider variety of symptoms. Knowing that we are advancing, here are five medical tech innovations that have and can change the world that we live in today.

MelaFind Optical Scanner

There's a new FDA-approved way to help with diagnosis of cancer. The hand held tool is used to analyze the tissue captured from the biopsy. The reason it's so popular is because it reduces the number of scars left from biopsy procedures. MelaFind technology originated from the Department of Defenses' missile navigation technology. The suspected lesions are scanned with 10 electromagnetic wavelengths and compared against a registry of 10,000 digital images to determine if it's cancerous or not.

Electronic Aspirin

People who suffer from migraines, sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), or other types of headaches should try a nerve stimulating device to alleviate the pain. The device can be placed in the upper gum and on the side of the head affected by the headache. The signals will stimulate the SPG nerves, which will alleviate the pain. Stimulation usually blocks the neurotransmitters that cause the pain.

Five Medical Tech Innovations That Can Change Our World

Robotic Check-Ups with RP-VITA

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Health reform is designed to help people improve their health in a cost-effective way. Telemedicine and robotic check-ups are the new way to make rounds. In some places, medical robots will patrol the hospital hallways and make routine rounds without direct contact with the patients. RP-VITA Remote Presence Robot is offered by iRobot Corporation and InTouch Health. The device has a two-way video screen and also medical monitoring equipment to help make the assessment easier.

Echo Therapeutics' Needle-Free Diabetes Care

Diabetes self-care is moving in the pain-free direction. A transdermal biosensor from Echo Theraputics will read the blood's analytes through the skin. Thus, there's no need to prick the skin. The device resembles a toothbrush and will remove the top layer of skin to register the patient's blood chemistry. The data will be sent wirelessly to a remote monitoring location. When the levels venture outside of the patient's optimal range, audible alarms will be delivered.

Sapien's Transcatheter Aortic Valve

This device from Edwards is offered to patients who need a new heart valve but cannot endure surgery. The new valve can be guided via a catheter through the femoral artery. This procedure is conducted via a small incision near the rib cage. This surgery yields shorter hospitalizations and can revolutionize heart surgery as we know it.

Brain-Machine Interfaces Help Prosthetics Move With Thoughts

Just the thought of any prosthetic limbs, like those provided by Lubbock Artificial Limb & Brace, is remarkable. Bio-engineers have developed a new type of prostheticthat can be connected to the nerves of the area and can be controlled with thought. They speculate that this could mean amputees being able to control computers and other machinery with their thoughts and hope that home trials will be available in about 5 years.

With new technology comes dramatic and diverse changes in everyday life. The future holds many more advances that will help further the medical industry and better our lives.

By Meghan BelnapSubscribe to 33rd Square


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