The 5 Greatest Tech Innovations of the Past 5 Years

Friday, June 16, 2017

The 5 Greatest Tech Innovations of the Past 5 Years


Every day it seems that yet another technological innovation is developed. The past five years have brought an incredible advancement in technology, but when it is all said and done, which innovations will be the most revolutionary?

There have been many great technological advancements in recent years. Some say that we are currently experiencing a third industrial revolution due to recent successes with innovations in AI technologies. It may very well be true; today we are seeing technologies come to life, ones that we never even thought possible. In this article we will be taking a look at some of the five greatest tech innovations of the past five years years.

1.Home automation

First on our list are home automation systems, which have recently seen a surge in popularity. As with other great technological feats, these AI systems make life a bit more convenient. Amazon’s Alexa has the capabilities to assist you at home via voice command; allowing one to perform a myriad of automated tasks such as: Making phone calls, sending messages, playing music, forecasting the weather and even ordering things off of the Amazon website itself. These home automation devices are even able to control the temperature of the room and perform tasks when you aren’t at home. Being able to control your home from a single home automation system interface is simply amazing.

2. Drones

Arguably one of the most fun new toys out there for many; we have drones. Drones are an innovation that is rapidly taking over airspace, capturing high definition video footage and even making deliveries now. Users of drones are able to record videos from places they never would have been able to before now, thanks to this technology. There are even plans to make drones capable of carrying WiFi over wherever they are flying; truly bringing internet to the entire world.

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3. Self driving cars

Third on our list and surely a controversial, rising star in the technology world are self driving cars. Many were in disbelief back when big companies such as Google and Uber announced their plans to put self driving cars on the road, but they’re finally out there now and making headlines. This innovation is sure to revolutionize motoring by making roads safer. While this technology is not yet perfected, the automated vehicles are predicted to become a common sight by the year 2020.

4. 3D Printing

From figures to food, 3D printing is an amazing new innovation that is revolutionizing the tech world today. Using laser technology, these machines are able to build things out of basic materials. Scientists have even managed to recreate food that is edible and artificial organs that work perfectly fine, using this innovation. 3D printing has truly revolutionized the tech world with these feats. This innovation may one day be the answer to solving world hunger.

5. Virtual Reality

Finally we have something that was dreamed about for years by many sci-fi fans: Virtual reality. Last year the famed virtual reality headset called the Oculus Rift was finally released after years of development. The headset allows for full immersion into virtual worlds; allowing users to feel as if they are actually a part of the world. This was an innovation not only to the gaming world, but also to the medical world. Virtual reality can assist patients in rehab, train doctors in performing surgery, and even aid in counseling. This technology is expected to be improved even further and branch out to many other fields where it can be useful.

And there we have it; five of the greatest tech innovations of the past five years. Be sure to look out for new technologies are rapidly coming along. These are just the beginning of what’s in store for the future of the technical world. What are your recent favorite tech innovations? Please feel free to comment about them below.

By  Jamison Hutton Embed

Jamison Hutton is a business and real estate enthusiast. He's a freelance journalist and loves writing about trends in the tech industry. He lives in Houston, Texas with his wife and son.


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