4 Creative Technologies that are Changing Law Enforcement

Sunday, June 18, 2017

4 Creative Technologies that are Changing Law Enforcement


Every technology has its pros and cons. People will find ways to use it destructively as well as constructively. That's the situation that law enforcement personnel are in as they struggle to keep pace with new technologies that serve as very useful tools for gangs, terrorists, and hackers.

Today law enforcement is also coming up with its own developments that are transforming the way they combat crime. Here are four innovative ideas that are making a difference.

Crime scenes in 3D

Forensic investigation of crime scenes requires careful observation, measurement, and analysis by professionals with a background in the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of crime and criminal justice. These tasks are faster and easier with modern technology. Laser scanners can take precise measurements in three dimensions and correlate them with images from a complement of black light, infrared, and other cameras. This is combined with graphics software to create an accurate 3-D visualization of what happened.
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Body cams

Technology giving us small but powerful, portable cameras has led to a growing call for police to wear them. Wearable cameras are giving the public dramatic footage of what it's like to be a law enforcement officer in real situations. Body cams provide a record to establish the truth in court cases. Cameras also mean that officers are being held accountable for any wrong-doing on their part. This transparency into real events leads to greater empathy all around that will hopefully improve public relations. In addition these benefits, the growing norm of having a high-resolution camera on your cell phone makes it easier than ever to get pictures of crime scenes before any tampering has taken place.

Non-Lethal force

Anyone who watches the news by now is very familiar with Tasers. Electric stun weapons allow officers to take down violent criminals without the often unnecessary fatality of a bullet. While their use is sometimes abused, Tasers actually save lives. Police shootings make headlines and often lead to community outrage when they could have been avoided. Rubber or new plasticized bullets can take down a suspect without breaking the skin, but officers facing real bullets remain understandably skeptical.

Eye in the sky

Drones have become a valuable tool to many industries, and they're also providing considerable benefits to law enforcement agencies that have adopted them. Tracking suspects from the sky is certainly a far better alternative than high-speed pursuits or a grueling foot chase. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can help to assess dangerous situations without risking officers' lives. However, there are also privacy issues. Drones have created an escalating environment of technical progress and ethical conflicts that are becoming a field of study all their own.

All of these concepts are gradually but inevitably changing the way law enforcement is done and the way it's perceived. Innovation that makes police more effective and better informed is a benefit to everyone.

By  Kara MastersonEmbed


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