Google Diagnoses: Why Medical Professionals Need To Embrace Online Patient Interaction

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Going online when you're sick is a dangerous game. One minute you're Googling your stomachache and the next you're certain you have pancreatic cancer. A common cold may cause a headache but so do a variety of other fatal illnesses.

Although sites like WebMD can provide valuable medical info in a pinch, they also present curious, under-the-weather visitors with every possible condition that fits their symptoms.

The self-diagnosis phenomena can cause uneasy minds and turn even the most sensible person into a hypochondriac. Instead of leaving people to fend for themselves online, medical professionals should embrace the web and start connecting more with prospective patients and those in need of accurate medical information.

Quality Information For No Cost

While no medical professional can make a diagnosis over the internet, they can provide reliable information and knowledge gained through years of intensive study and experience. Having instant access to a doctor to ask basic health-related questions can soothe patients, build relationships and even encourage them to visit a certain practice.

Apart from the ability to answer simple medical inquiries without spending money on the resources and time an in-office appointment takes, online doctors can also promote their practices in a non-commercial way and genuinely reassure people in the process.

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No More Guesswork For Patients

Finding the right practice can take so much work that some patients wind up abandoning the search altogether. If you set up a website with a personalized domain like the ones provided by Dr. Leonardo's physician site builder, patients will be able to find all the essential information they need about your practice in one place.

Office hours, specializations, detailed bios of you and any other professionals in the facility all push patients toward your doors.

Faster Booking And Swifter Treatment

People do practically everything online today, so why should making a doctor's appointment be any different? Doctors who embrace the digital age are able to build their practices simply by existing.

With a website that clearly states a specialization and location, prospective patients can discover an office with just a simple Google search. A secure contact form lets them reach out, ask questions and book an appointment in under 10 minutes.

This ease of access encourages people to seek treatment. That means more appointments for you and faster treatment for them.

Getting Started

Your patients already turn to the web when they have a medical question, you should be there with an answer. By setting up a website or optimizing the one you have now, you can connect with your pre-existing patients faster, attract new ones with ease and take the worry and wonder out of the Google diagnosis.

By  Emma SturgisEmbed

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston. When not writing, she enjoys baking and indoor rock climbing. Find her on Google +.


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