Why Do We Need Humanlike Robots?

Saturday, October 8, 2016


A few months ago Sophia, Hanson Robotics’s latest humanoid robot, and the company's chief scientist, Dr. Ben Goertzel, were interviewed at the Converge tech conference in Hong Kong. 

Earlier this year, The Wall Street Journal’s Geoffrey Fowler and Joanna Stern interviewed Sophia, Hanson Robotics’s latest creation, and the company's chief scientist, Dr. Ben Goertzel, at the Converge tech conference in Hong Kong.

"I can emulate pretty much all human expressions."
Sophia is a lifelike robot built of complex motors, software and Hanson's patented Frubber skin material. "I can emulate pretty much all human expressions," states the robot in the video below.

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Why do we need such humanlike robots?

According to Goertzel, Sophia is being built for a market niches where "people want someone that it is something to interact with. For education, for teaching your kids or adults for for elder care unit for being a ... greeter into the store... you really want something that will bond with you emotionally and socially rather than just a computer interface"

What does the future hold for Sophia?

"As she gets more more intelligent I think she can be more more rational and more wise and compassionate that than humans are now," states Goertzel.

SOURCE  Wall Street Journal

By  33rd SquareEmbed


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