Neil Jacobstein Asks Could Robots Rule the World?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Neil Jacobstein Asks Could Robots Rule the World?

Artificial Intelligence

Recently Singularity University's Neil Jacobstein comprehensively showcased many of the latest artificial intelligence and robotic systems at the World Government Summit in Dubai. Despite the potential of the technology to impact everything from medicine to the environment, Jacobstein also emphasized that development of these technologies needs to be done in an ethical and secure manner.

Neil Jacobstein, Co-Chair of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Track at Singularity University. He was a Senior Research Fellow in the Reuters Digital Vision Program at Stanford University 2006-2007.

He has served as an AI technical consultant on research and development projects for leading business, government, and defense organizations. Jabostein is an expert on applying AI and robotics technology to solve practical business application problems.

Jacobstein’s research focuses on data driven, evidence based reasoning that combines the best of human and machine inference. He frequently speaks internationally, and has recently given invited lectures to large audiences around the world.

He has served in a wide variety of executive and advisory roles for industry, nonprofit, and government organizations. He was recently appointed for a 3-year term at the United States National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Division of Earth and Life Sciences Committee.

In the talk below, recorded at the World Government Summit in Dubai(conspiracy theorists: go!) Jacobstein changes the title of the topic from 'Could Robots Rule the World,' to 'Should Robots Rule the World.' According to Jacobstein, the answer is No.

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“People think of AI and robotics as game changing technology but they are much more than that. They are totally disrupting the playing field that all of us are engaged in,” he notes.

"AI and robotics as game changing technology but they are much more than that. They are totally disrupting the playing field that all of us are engaged in."
"However, people’s perceptions of Artificial Intelligence and robotics vary, said Jacobstein. Some people think it is amazing and other people believe it is going to be extremely dangerous. People on both ends of the spectrum are cherry-picking the data.”

Showcasing benefits of the innovation, he pointed out there are also genuine concerns of job disruption, human identity change and risk amplification. According to Jacobstein, the benefits of AI and robots outweigh the costs, given their potential to change lives.

“In the future, robots will go into emergency situations in place of humans, avoiding considerable risk. Take for instance the Google car that I had the opportunity to test firsthand. This is a robot that will save millions of lives. According to the WHO, 1.2 million people are killed worldwide each year due to automobile accidents, which could be avoided based on the excellent safety record of driverless cars. These will alter the face of transportation and public health on our highways.”

On the issue of trust and the perception of AI, Jacobstein mentioned that even experts such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have expressed concern about the trustworthiness of AI and robotics technology. “While these concerns are valid, they must be used to develop four key areas for Research & Design (R&D) in the coming years: verification, validity and security of the technologies as well as ensuring that there are multiple ways to re-establish control.”


“The human brain hasn’t had a major upgrade in over 50,000 years. We are going to have to augment our intelligence.” He explained that AI will help us do this as it is not just better, faster and cheaper than the technology that currently exists, but is completely different. “AI will blow the roof off education by providing not just one laptop to every child but rather one personal tutor to every child, and can affect every aspect of governments and organizations.”

Jacobstein states that in 5-10 years, governments will be platforms based on how they utilize AI, he said: “We can make that platform arbitrarily smart, and leverage them to serve the people. AI will change the balance of power between small companies and big companies, and small countries and big countries.”

In his concluding remarks, Jacobstein returned to the larger challenges that AI will help us solve such as climate change, energy use and aging. However, he emphasized the need for advanced R&D and a sense of pro-activeness to provide high quality education to those with lower incomes. He said that sustainable intelligence would require mathematical, ecological and ethical literacy along with perspective because “everyone lives on earth, or has lived on earth and earth is where all of us have our future. We are all on this planet together and we better act like it.”

SOURCE  Oman Economic Review

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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