The Science and Data Behind How Love Works

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Science and Data Behind How Love Works


With Valentine's Day soon to be upon us, why not consider the scientific data behind how love affects us?

Science and love are both contrasting ideas that battle between logic and emotion but as we all know opposites attract. Science has uncovered many things about love. Love isn’t just a chemical state of mind it’s a complex mix of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. Scientists have proven that being in love is the same feelings addicts get when on drugs as love is classified as an addiction.

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With any addiction there are always stages. When it comes to love the initial stages is attraction and then turns to attachment- there really is no love at first sight, just lust. Serotonin is the most important chemical that explains why you’re falling in love when you do and why you can’t stop thinking of your lover. A scientist in Italy did a study by analyzing blood samples of new lovers. The study revealed that the serotonin levels of the couples were the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder patients –we really are crazy when it comes to love.

So why do we fall in love with the people we do? Well in some cases we only accept the love we think we deserve. A study revealed that both males and females who were pathologically reckless who acted without care or thought were drawn together and only had short-term relationships. In the same study participants with less reckless tendencies and more ‘average’ personalities attracted similar partners.

Scientists believe there is a more rational method as to why we choose our partners. Many researches always come back to the notion that we choose partners that remind us of our parents. Another theory is we are attracted to those with similar features to our own. The logical reasoning behind both of these is that we feel safe with familiarity. So our partners who have similar traits to parents we get along with doesn’t mean we fancy our parents we just automatically associate memories of them to do with happiness and good feeling. Our reasoning behind choosing partners with similar traits means the outcome of the relationship will be a happy one. Falling in love may be about how you’re feeling but it is far more scientific than you may have previously thought. With that in mind Ladbrokes scientists have perfected the best first date formula. If you’ve tried to get the perfect date for your Valentine before and failed Ladbrokes have got you covered. Their new slot machine game slots of love can determine where you should take your date this Valentine’s Day based on your budget and your date’s personality type.

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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