Musio, The Little Robot Wants to Talk To You

Monday, June 1, 2015

Musio, The Little Robot Wants to Talk To You

 Artificial Intelligence
Musio, the new little robot is promising to be a conversational robot, that will extend artificial intelligence beyond Siri and Watson.

Musio is a new robot that can learn to help you keep track of your calendar, hold a conversation with you, and interact with its surroundings. The developers of the artificial intelligence are suggesting that Musio, and its intelligence will be like Samantha in the movie her or J.A.R.V.I.S. from the Iron Man films.

Jacob Bradsher, a linguist with AKA, the  company behind Musio, said at a briefing the goal was to make a robot that acted more like a friend than a machine. Musio, he explained, is designed as a “natural conversation partner” so it feels like the user is talking with a real person.


“There's a lot said in a conversation between people that is non-verbal,” he said. “Gestures, the inflection in the way you say words. We want Musio to be able to pick up on that. Because that's what really makes conversation organic.“

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Musio learns more about you, the more you converse with it, he said.

“Musio can remember details of your conversations in order and make generalizations based on context.”

“Musio can have a back and forth dialogue and remember things that you’ve said before,” says AKA business development director Celina Lee.

“We let (the) deep neural the most appropriate sentence or utterance to respond to user's previous conversations,”  Lee explained. “As more conversational data are accumulated, responses of Musio will get richer and more accurate. In particular, the ability to continue conversations based on the whole previous context, i.e., considering the whole history of conversation, will distinguish AKA's technology from others

"Musio can remember details of your conversations in order... and make generalizations based on context."

And this is what differentiates Musio from, say, the iPhone assistant Siri. Douglas Hofstadter has said that, "Watson and Siri are not real artificial intelligence because they are not thinking machines."

"We made something different," say the makers of Musio, and the intelligence engine it runs, Muse.

“If you ask (Siri) something it is not expecting, it will give you a completely random answer,” Bradsher said.

Whereas Musio can carry on entire conversations, Lee added.

AKA is crowdfunding Musio on Indiegogo. The company aims to raise at least $50,000, with pricing starting at $99 for a “simple brain” version of the robot.

SOURCE  TechCrunch

By 33rd SquareEmbed


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