Nutrition's Role in Protecting the Aging Brain

Friday, April 17, 2015

Nutrition's Role in Protecting the Aging Brain

Brain health is an important component in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As people age they can experience a range of cognitive issues from decreased critical thinking to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Recent research points to nutritional factors that may help maintain brain health.

Maintaining brain health is the second most important component in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, after heart health as we age. People are at an increased risk of experiencing cognitive issues such as decreased critical thinking, slower reaction time and recall, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease as they age. In fact, according to The Alzheimer’s Association, one in nine Americans aged 65 and older has the disease and in 2050, an American will develop the disease every 33 seconds.

Keeping both mentally and physically active is major factor in brain health. Nutrition also plays a role. Here is a look at some ingredients and supplements that may help protect and sharpen aging brains.

Cocoa Flavanols

Cocoa flavanols have been linked to improved circulation and heart health, and preliminary research is showing a possible connection to memory improvement.

A recent study showed that a specific part of the brain, the dentate gyrus, is potentially associated with age-related memory decline, and that dietary cocoa flavanols may help improve the function of this region. The study tested 37 healthy subjects, aged 50–69, who were randomized to receive either a high-flavanol diet or a low-flavanol diet  for three months.
Cocoa Flavanols
Using memory tests and neural imaging, the researchers found marked improvements in the function of the dentate gyrus in those who consumed the high-flavanol drink. Those subjects also performed significantly better on the memory test.

In another study evidence that regular cocoa flavanol consumption can reduce some measures of age-related cognitive dysfunction, possibly through an improvement in insulin sensitivity. The double-blind, controlled, parallel-arm study involved 90 elderly subjects without clinical evidence of cognitive dysfunction who were randomly assigned to consume a beverage containing high, moderate and low levels of cocoa flavanols every day for eight weeks.

The researchers reported that there was a positive impact of the intervention on specific aspects of cognitive function.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly long-chain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are associated with heart health benefits, but have also been shown to play a potential role in cognitive health.

A study conducted recently showed that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA) supplementation appeared to be a useful tool in health promotion and cognitive decline prevention during aging. Nineteen-month-old mice were given either n-3 PUFA mixture, olive oil, or no dietary supplement for 8 weeks. Aged mice supplemented with n-3 PUFA exhibited better object recognition memory, spatial and localizatory memory, and aversive response retention, without modifications in anxiety levels.

Phosphatidylserine and Phosphatidic Acid

Two pilot studies show that a combination of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA) can help benefit memory, mood, and cognitive function in the elderly (Lonza, 2014). PS is an important structural component of cell membranes and is found in concentrated amounts in brain cells.

Lonza, offers MemreePlus, a proprietary combination of PS and PA. Since 2011, Lonza and PS supplier Lipogen LTD have worked together under an exclusive distribution agreement to offer Lipogen’s PS ingredients as Lonza MemreePS ingredient.


Walnuts are known for their heart health benefits, being a source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Researchers are also studying the effects of walnuts on brain function. One study suggested that dietary supplementation with walnuts may have a beneficial effect in reducing the risk, delaying the onset, or slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

walnuts and brain health

The researchers analyzed the effect of dietary supplementation with walnuts on learning skills, memory, anxiety, locomotor activity, and motor coordination in the Tg2576 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. The experimental groups of mice were fed custom-mixed diets containing 6% walnuts or 9% walnuts, i.e., equivalent to 1 oz or 1.5 oz, respectively, of walnuts per day in humans. The mice receiving the diets with 6% or 9% walnuts showed a significant improvement in memory, learning ability, anxiety, and motor development compared to the mice on the control diet.

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Citicoline is a natural substance found in the body’s cells. It supplies precursors for the synthesis of phospholipids, including phosphatidyl choline, a major constituent of brain tissue; helps maintain normal levels of acetylcholine, a chemical that regulates memory and cognitive function; enhances communication between neurons; and protects neural structures from free radical damage, according to Kyowa Hakko.

Research has shown that citicoline may improve mild vascular cognitive impairment in elderly people who experience everyday lapses in memory.


Choline, which is associated with liver health and women’s health, is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and functions as part of phosphatidylcholine, a structural component of all cell membranes. Choline is important to the integrity of the communication systems for cells within the brain and rest of the body.

Choline may also support the brain during aging and help prevent changes in brain chemistry that result in cognitive decline and failure. One study demonstrated that the availability of choline during critical periods of brain development influenced cognitive performance in adulthood and old age, and emphasized the importance of perinatal nutrition for successful cognitive aging.


Magnesium is related to brain health, and supplements are sometimes recommended for those who experience serious concussions. Animal studies have shown it to improve memory, recognition, and learning. The studies have also shown it to help maintain the health of the neuron cells and increase neural plasticity.


Blueberries are known to have high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, boasting a high concentration of anthocyanins.
blueberries anthocyanin

Research suggests that moderate-term blueberry supplementation can offer neurocognitive benefits. The researchers noted that anthocyanins have been associated with increased neuronal signaling in brain centers, mediating memory function as well as improved glucose disposal, benefits that would be expected to mitigate neurodegeneration.

The content presented in this article should not be considered medical advice.  The content is intended for educational purposes only.

SOURCE  Institute of Food Technologists

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