iCub Becomes a Master of Balancing

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

iCub Humanoid Robot

In a new video, researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology display some amazing balancing done by the iCub humanoid robot.  The robot keeps its position on one leg even as the researchers prod and move it.

In the new video below, the latest results achieved in the whole-body control of the iCub, humanoid robot are showed off. Perhaps the researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology were inspired by ATLAS and Valkyrie.

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The video shows the iCub balancing when the robot stands on one foot. The knowledge of the robot dynamics and the measurement of the external perturbations allow for safely interacting with humans as well as controlling highly dynamic motions, according to the researchers.

The control of the robot is made by regulating the interaction forces between the robot and its surrounding environment. In particular, the force and torque exchanged between the robot's foot and the floor is regulated so that the robot keeps its balance even when strongly jostled by a person.

iCub Becomes a Master of Balancing

Also impressively, the robot maintains gaze stabilization, which makes the actions seem more human-like.

"These new capacities will be pivotal when iCub will cohabitate with human beings in domestic environments."

"These new capacities will be pivotal when iCub will cohabitate with human beings in domestic environments," claim the researchers.

The results have been achieved by the researches working at the Italian Institute of Technology and, in particular, by those funded by the European Projects CoDyCo and Koroibot with Dr. Francesco Nori as principal investigator.

SOURCE  iCub Humanoid Robot

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