Teaching Robots To Be Social

Monday, December 29, 2014

Researchers at Georgia Tech are programming robots for the home, to be servants and companions. 

Researchers at Georgia Tech are programming robots for the home, to be servants and companions. CBS's Mark Strassmann gives us a personal look at these "social robots," in the video above.

Strassmann talks with Andrea Thomaz, head of the Socially Intelligent Machines Lab at Georgia Tech. She explains, "We're interested in thinking about robots that are going to be in human environments and how those robots should interact with people, and how that should be like."

Teaching Robots To Be Social

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Thomaz and the researchers work with Meka Robots (now owned by Google).

"We're interested in thinking about robots that are going to be in human environments and how those robots should interact with people, and how that should be like."

"We're focusing on natural interactions—how do people teach each other? What are some of the ways that humans learn, and how can we build that into a robot," says Thomaz.

The goal of the reasearchers is to develop a robot that is part servant, part companion, and with a compatible personality due to the fact that users will program them.


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