5 Up and Coming Medical Innovations that Patients Should Be Excited For

Monday, July 21, 2014

5 Up and Coming Medical Innovations that Patients Should Be Excited For

As medicine and healthcare become exponential technologies we will see huge accelerated changes in the medical field.  Here are five innovations that are especially interesting for the near horizon.

Our world is rapidly becoming one of gadgets, electronics, and devices due to the steady advancement of new technology that happens almost daily. While it’s exciting to think of the developments that will be made for smartphones and computers in the coming years, it’s also amazing to see how much technology has altered the world of medicine, knowing that this alteration will only continue.

Although it will take a while to get each of these exciting developments up and running, they will be extremely beneficial in our lives once they experience success and become commonplace in the world of medicine

In the coming decade, we can expect to see a wide array of changes in the medical field due to rapid changes and developments in technology. The clash of scientific breakthroughs, improved technologies, and global proliferation will contribute to the creation of innovations that will change the face of healthcare. Read on to learn about a few innovations that patients should get excited about.

Electronic Aspirin

This technology is ideal for people who suffer from chronic pains like migraines. The electronic aspirin system works by placing a device that stimulated nerves in the gums. This implant connects to the sphenopalatine ganglion (a nerve) which has been linked to chronic pains in the head. The implant makes it possible for the patient to trigger the implant to stimulate this area of the body. The stimulation triggers the blockage of the neurotransmitters that are responsible for the pain. This type of device would eliminate the need for constantly taking pain killers or anti-inflammatories, which can have damaging effects over time.

Uses of Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology is the process of creating and ordering genes into different sequences and combinations. Though we have already seen some applications of this in the medical field, it is more apparent in industries like alternative fuel and agriculture. We can expect to see revolutions in the medical field concerning genetics in the coming decade. Some of the first things to look for will be synthetic biology being applied to transplants and disease fighting technology. While this type of technology is still in the early stages within the medical field, the potential for success is extremely thrilling.

synthetic biology

Better Diabetes Medication

Current relief and care for diabetes patients often requires needles used to test blood, glucose tests, daily shots, and a great deal of monitoring. Technology is currently being developed that would rid patients of the need for all of this monitoring and pricking. Instead of using needles, these products will make use of a patch that can read blood chemistry without drawing blood. The patch then sends the data to a monitor where patients can track the data. This is an exciting prospect for those with diabetes as well as their loved ones who have hoped for better technology in this area for many years. Once this technology is fully developed and working, there is no telling how many thousands of people it will help.

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Electronic Diagnoses

Special robotics are currently being developed to assist in medical check-ups and diagnoses. With the use of cutting edge robotic design, developers are making medical robots that will soon be able to run shifts in routine hospital and clinical work and charting information for doctors. This technology is an amazing addition for areas that are medically underserviced. In the long run, it can cut the costs of medical care and eliminate human error in many regards. While many patients might not look forward to have a robot-nurse or medical assistant, the development of this type of technology will help to supplement shortages in areas that are understaffed. Patients will no long have to suffer due to a lack of staff at a hospital or clinic, and they will hopefully be able to enjoy cheaper healthcare as well.

Brain-Computer Interfaces

BCIs help patients that suffer from paralyzation. The technology allows these patients to control movements with only their brains. The basic idea is that the technology will allow patients to control robotic body extensions with nothing but their minds to help them become more independent and mobile. This technology requires very detailed and intricate research and study, so it might take a while before it is functioning, but imagine the joy and freedom it will bring to paralyzed patients who can use their bodies once again in a manner of speaking.

These and other upcoming innovations in the medical field will undoubtedly revolutionize healthcare as we now know it. The only downside to combining technology and healthcare is that it takes years to get these systems exactly right—new medical technology has to be relentlessly tested to ensure that it won’t further endanger the lives of patients. Typically if a computer program or app doesn’t work, it won’t cost anyone’s life. But when you are working with human lives, the technology has to be just right. Although it will take a while to get each of these exciting developments up and running, they will be extremely beneficial in our lives once they experience success and become commonplace in the world of medicine. The information for this article was provided by the health technology professionals of Chiro8000 who specialize in chiropractic software that allows chiropractic clinics to more efficiently help their patients.

By Dixie SomersEmbed


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