Amazon Looks Like It Will Announce A 3D Eye-Tracking Smartphone

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

From a series of tweets, and a YouTube video, it looks like Amazon is set to release a new 3D head tracking device at their upcoming launch event.

Amazon is rumored to be announcing a new Smartphone this month.  They device uses multiple cameras to track your eyes and head, and features a glasses-free 3D interface that changes according to how the user looks at it, Techcrunch is reporting.

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Amazon has sent a tweet about its plans to host a press event on June 18 — and all signs are pointing toward the announcement of just such a device.

The tweet itself makes no mention of the announcement being centered around a new device, the description on the video it links to puts it in no uncertain terms. The first sentence: “Want an invite to our new device unveiling?”

The video shows people moving their heads back and forth to interact with a device just out of frame, saying things like “It moved with me!”

Amazon Smartphone

"It moved with me!"

When you click through the link for an invite request and mark that you’re a developer, the form asks you for an example of an “innovative way in which you have used gyroscopes, accelerometers, compass, or other sensors in your app development” and asks whether you’d be interested in “developing apps that utilize a novel type of sensor.”

SOURCE  TechCrunch

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