How to Create Native Media for Millennials

Monday, October 16, 2017

How to Create Native Media for Millennials

More and more people are realizing that traditional marketing techniques are often less successful with Millennials. For example, thanks to streaming services and the ability to record shows, few Millennials take the time to watch television commercials. Also, having come of age during a time of economic uncertainty, many Millennials are wary of blatant messages sent out by corporations.

Thankfully, native media remains to be a great way to reach Millennials. If you need to learn more about how native media can expand your brand's influence to Millennials, check out the information below!

Why Native Media Works With Millennials

Native media works to cultivate an image of trust with the viewer or reader. This is why native media is effective with Millennials. Millennials have a sense of distrust for larger companies and corporations. They saw firsthand what corporate greed did to their parents years ago, and they know greedy corporations and investors helped create the student loan crisis plaguing the nation. Native media attempts to bypass this mistrust by adopting a tone similar to the media the viewer or reader is already enjoying. This format reduces a Millennial's anxiety about a message behind sent from an unknown source.

How To Craft A Trusted Message

Native media can take many different forms. However, when creating native media content for Millennials, it is important to structure the content in a certain way. There are two factors that can encourage Millennials to trust information. First, Millennials are passionate about various social justice causes. This means that any native media needs to play upon this passion. Secondly, Millennials are often wary and distrustful of authority and people in power. This means that native media targeted towards Millennials should have the sense it is something that is challenging the status quo or is information those in power would like to keep secret. When Millennials see either of these two types of information in a piece of native media, they almost always become interested and trusting of the advertisement.

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Interviews And Petitions In Native Media For Millennials

Millennials love to be rallied to a cause. This is why the most effective native media targeted towards Millennials involves either an interview with a perceived outsider or an opportunity to sign up for a cause. For example, a perceived outsider being interviewed in a native media piece could portray the major cigarette companies as being against the use of e-cigarettes. The outsider could argue the trend of vaping challenges the corporate profits of the elite, and these elites don't want Millennials to know about the advantages of drip tips and other e-cigarette accessories. The native media piece could then ask Millennials to sign up for a newsletter or request a free e-cigarette sample to help challenge the existing cigarette hierarchy. Strategies like this tap into the average Millennial's urge to distrust the status quo and participate in a cause.

Location and Brevity

Don't forget the importance location and brevity for native media targeted towards Millennials. The best native media pieces will be through some type of electronic medium. This is because Millennials get most of their information electronically, and it also allows Millennials the ability to share any native media piece instantly with all of their friends. Also, native media pieces targeted towards Millennials should almost always be brief. This is stems from the short attention spans Millennials are known to have, and it also maximizes the probability of a native media piece going viral after Millennials have shared the piece with many different friends and acquaintances.

Native media has long been an effective way to influence consumers. However, the Millennial generation has taken the effectiveness of native media to an entirely different level. Take the time to craft the native media your business needs to reach a powerful generation of consumers. After you see an increase of sales driven by Millennials, you will be glad you did!

By  Lindsey PattersonEmbed

Author Bio - Lindsey is a freelance writer specializing in business and consumer technology.


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