Growing Your Business’s Online Presence in 2018

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Growing Your Business’s Online Presence in 2018

Many businesses have become interested in making their brands more recognizable. In other words, brand recognition can represent a strong competitive edge in the modern marketplace. Of course, a recognizable brand only begins to tell the story. 

Some people recognize brands for the wrong reasons. So factors such as quality, customer service and the overall customer experience provided by a business can play a vital role. This following tips will help you set the stage for growing your business online with an eye toward

Safety First

Generally speaking, people have become aware of the threats they face online. For starters, internet users have grown to distrust companies that have unsecured websites. They also want to know that they can trust businesses to keep their customer data private and secure.

This high level of awareness means that your business needs to operate with sound security practices. For starters, make sure that you have implemented HTTPS security on your website via a valid SSL certificate. This will encrypt data sent between your web server and the web browsers, giving visitors the level of security they deserve.

You should also add extra security to protect your audience from advanced persistent threats. This type of security measure hardens your network to prevent unauthorized people from gaining access to it. You can also install tools that will give you advanced detection capabilities.

Ultimately, hackers won't need advanced tools if you don't attempt to secure your business. So, put safety first and thereby give customers a reason to trust you and your brand.

New Website Design

If you had a traditional store and it had dirty windows, burned-out lights and cobwebs all over the place, would people like to shop there? Probably not. In fact, some potential customers might wonder if your store was open for business. The same thing goes for websites.

Take a look at your website to see how it reflects on your business. Does it have up-to-date information? Does it look fresh and well-maintained? Does it work well on mobile devices? These questions only offer a sample of the reasons why you may need a new website design.

Get started by making sure that your website provides shoppers with all the information they need. This includes shipping and returns policies, the types of payments you accept and how to get customer service and post-sales support.

Most of all, you need to make sure that your website displays properly and quickly on mobile devices. This means you need a responsive web design that will properly adapt the screen size of each user and make it easy for them to navigate, shop and pay.

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Customer-Centric Marketing

You may have heard someone say that traditional marketing is dead. If it isn’t, you can rest assured that it’s on the way out. Traditional marketing presented information for the sole purpose of persuading audience members to buy something. Nowadays, you need to take a customer-centric approach to connect with their customers on their terms, before you ever ask for a buying decision.

A customer-focused marketing strategy emphasizes providing value to the marketplace. For example, by answering questions and solving problems in ways that don’t directly promote your product can establish the authority of your brand and position you as the go-to source of knowledge in your market sector.

Other customer centric tactics include fueling word-of-mouth campaigns on social media by providing your customers with exceptionally good customer service. Also, you may want to present information in the formats that your customers prefer. For example, some people prefer to watch videos rather than read lengthy text-based articles.

In summary, the above tips can help you grow your business online. By creating a secure online environment, providing an easy-to-use website, and meeting the real-life needs of your customers, you will build a recognizable brand that has a sustainable competitive advantage.

By  Roman Patel Embed


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