3 Ways to Increase Your Websites Traffic

Sunday, June 17, 2018

3 Ways to Increase Your Websites Traffic

In the past few years, the internet has totally changed how the world does business. More companies are focusing on online sales more than ever rather than their retail settings. This is because this is where all the attention is going. However, the only way that someone is going to convert an online sale is if they have traffic.

Traffic is essential to any online business. Those who know how to get it prosper while those who don't fail miserably. The bad news is that many business owners are not that tech savvy and do not know how to properly drive traffic. In this article, I am going to be going over three ways to increase traffic to your webpage, allowing you to boost engagement and convert more sales.

1. Security Brings Peace of Mind

Let's face the fact that security is a big issue on the internet today, especially when you are dealing with transactions on debit cards, credit cards, PayPal, and so on and so forth. An easy way to see if the site is secure is in the URL bar towards the left. It should say "secure" and have a lock. If it is not, this poses a big risk for your customers if you do not have a secure site. The solution to this problem would be installing a web application firewall. What this does is it basically filters out and blocks data traveling to and from a web application. In the end, this keeps you and the consumer safe.

2. Organic traffic

Free and organic traffic is definitely what I would recommend for beginner marketers, salesmen, or anyone looking to monetize their website. In the beginning, you do not have the resources nor the skills to run paid traffic. If you try it without good knowledge, you will just waste a bunch of time and money, ultimately leaving you discouraged. Instead, put this extra capital towards your site. This includes things like purchasing software platforms like Clickfunnels and Aweber to help you monetize your website.

For organic traffic, search engine optimization plays a big role in how much traffic you get. Make sure that your site is optimized for this and that you have great sales tactics in your landing pages and funnels. One of the easiest ways to get free traffic and organic reach these days is through the power of social media. I would highly recommend starting to upload content to Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and Facebook that highlights your brand. When you do this, your target audience will want to engage in your posts.

As your engagement gets better, so will your SEO results. You can funnel these people from your social media platforms onto your website where you can try and convert them. You can have them sign up for your email list and provide value for them. All in all, free traffic is the best way to get started in your online endeavors.

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3. Paid traffic

Once you have basically maxed out your organic reach, I would transition into paid traffic. Once you learn paid advertising properly, your business is pretty much self-sufficient and fully automated from that point on. In other words, you will understand how much it costs to get a lead and how much that lead generates you. If you can get leads for $5 and convert them to $10, you don't have to be a genius to see how this could blow up your business.

Some of the great internet marketers like Alex Becker and Tai Lopez use this strategy. If you are new to paid traffic, I would recommend starting with Facebook ads. They are very easy to set up and manage. Next, I would transition into influencer marketing on Instagram. This is where you pay to have an influencer advertise your product. Finally, I would recommend advertising on YouTube because video ads tend to have high conversion rates.

By  Roman Patel Embed


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