True Facts about Tech Security

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

True Facts about Tech Security

Networks are at risk. Small businesses, major corporations, educational institutions, nonprofits, and other organizations keep very private information stored on their network infrastructure. Entities do exist that wish to access that information.

Breaking into the network makes it possible to acquire that information. In order to cut down on the potential for serious breaches, steps must be taken to greatly enhance network security.

The Malicious Hacker

"Hacker" is the common term used to describe a person capable of breaking into a network. A skilled hacker may be able to overcome security systems to access sensitive data. Once data is stolen, the hacker may be able to use it for all manner of personal gain. Someone could steal, say, the design plans for a computer game. Those plans could be sold to buyers who may release a clone game ahead of the original developer. This is one of many troubling scenarios that might occur when a hacker effectively appropriates data.

The modern hacker's tools are now highly sophisticated. Managers who assume they can rely on outdated or minimal tech security programs engage in terrible misjudgment. Without the most effective and modernized security programs in place, data breaches won't be avoided.
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Sources of Security Breaches

Sometimes, those in charge of network platforms make the job of a hacker easy. The failure to upgrade security features and relying on outdated systems aren't decisions that create impediments for a hacker. Routine upgrades on security systems definitely help. So would requesting security audits on the network. A security professional could discover weaknesses and point out how to fix them.

In some cases, common human errors open network doors wide open to hackers. Using very weak, easy to guess passwords or not properly protecting the secrecy of a password leads to breaches. Not logging out of an account can be an oversight that leads to utter chaos.

Operating systems and IP protocols may possess holes that can be exploited. Hence, some choose to use a secure web proxy server as an added safety measure. Taking as many safety precautions as possible definitely makes life more difficult for hackers.

Facing a Multitude of Attacks

If hackers or other malicious entities only relied on one approach to breaching network security, the ability to prevent breaches wouldn't be so difficult. A series of different types of network security attacks exist. Businesses interested in protecting their network must set up security measures on various fronts.

Structured hacking may be the most common approach people think about when the topic comes up. Structured hacking refers to instances when a knowledgeable hacker employs sophisticated skills to find and exploit the vulnerabilities in a system. Not every entity seeking to breach tech security uses sophisticated methods or even possess much knowledge. The relatively simple process of sending out phishing emails designed to fool people into giving up passwords or banking/credit card information continue to work.

Software programs designed to crack passwords often work effectively due to the weak passwords people choose. Certain programs may even run commonly used weak passwords and do so with great success. Many never take heed of advice to use a sophisticated password.

Denial of Service (DOS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks rank as among the most frustrating and the most difficult to prevent. These attacks overwhelm networks, overload them and shut them down. Websites crash and other types of mayhem occur when DOD/DDOS attacks have been inflicted.

Correcting Any Vulnerabilities

A top priority for anyone managing a network entails addressing vulnerabilities and cutting down the chances of hacking and other malicious acts. Fixing and closing any openings for hackers should be done without delay. The serious nature of any potential fallout from hacking mandates moving quickly.

By  Kevin Faber Embed

Kevin Faber is the CEO of Silver Summit Capital. He graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in Business/Managerial Economics. In his free time, Kevin is usually watching basketball or kicking back and reading a good book.


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