4 Interesting Medical Technologies That Make Childbirth Safer

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

4 Interesting Medical Technologies That Make Childbirth Safer

An important part of a safe labor and delivery is taking advantage of technology that can make child birth safer. 

Fortunately, there are some new and emerging technologies that can help you and your baby stay safe as you welcome your little one to the world. Here are four interesting medical technologies for making childbirth safer:

New Safety Scalpels

Doctors can unintentionally cut a mother’s tissues because of human error or because of the design of their cutting instruments. To fix the problem, Ecomed Solutions has created the Sureglide scalpel. It’s essentially safety scissors for doctors. The scissors allow doctors to make detailed cuts during a C-section without unintentional lacerations in the process.

Inhalable Oxytocin

Right now, postpartum bleeding is one of the leading causes of death after childbirth. Even though the body builds up extra blood during pregnancy, bleeding from the placenta or after a C-section can cause life-threatening complications. While oxytocin is a great drug to treat the problem, right now it’s only available in an injection. The injection takes some skill and training to administer.

The Monash University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS) is working to change that. They’ve got a new form of oxytocin that moms can inhale. It’s a dry powder, and it’s not as hard to administer as the shot. The new form of the drug can help moms get the drugs they need to treat postpartum bleeding.

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Genetic Screening

Genetic screening can make childbirth safer before pregnancy even starts. When moms opt for in-vitro fertilization, they can use genetic screening to decrease their risks. By testing one cell from an embryo, doctors can determine if the embryo has a normal number of chromosomes. Embryos with a normal chromosome count are more likely to be born alive and healthy than embryos with abnormalities. In fact, women who use the screening process as part of their in-vitro fertilization are more likely to have a live birth without complications than women who don’t opt to use the technology.

Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Monitoring a baby’s heart rate during labor is an important way to prevent birth asphyxia. Even though electronic fetal monitoring is somewhat common in hospitals today, it’s a relatively new technology, and it’s not used everywhere. Identifying a baby in distress can give the medical team time to make adjustments and bring a healthy baby into the world.

Making Child Birth Safer

Emerging technologies can go a long ways to help reduce dangers in child birth. Moms can take advantage of some of these technologies before child birth begins. Others can help during labor and even after. Recent developments have made new technologies available in order to make the birthing process safer and reduce the risks to both mom and baby.

By  Dixie SomersEmbed

Author Bio - Dixie is a freelance writer who loves to write about business, finance and self improvement. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters.


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