How Can Engineering Managers Make 3D Printing More Efficient?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Make 3D Printing More Efficient?

3D Printing

3D printing technology is developing at a fast pace and is an essential part of the product development process now. To ensure that printers are as efficient as possible, engineering managers have a number of processes and techniques that they can employ.

Three-dimensional printing, or additive manufacturing has gone from the territory of engineers to use in medicine, art, gaming and for commercial purposes. As the printers have developed, they have gotten smaller, faster and more effective at what they do. When engineering managers want to further boost the efficiency of these high-tech units, these four tips may help.

Using Computer-assisted Design Software

Engineering managers could make use of computer-assisted design (CAD) software to boost the efficiency of their three-dimensional printing needs. Essential for the process, CAD software packages now feature tools for devising the most efficient way of constructing an object in three dimensions. The engineering managers can set up the software to maximize efficiency of time and materials in order to achieve the best mix of both features.

3d printer

Creating New Innovations

Engineering managers might want to try some new methods in the world of 3D printing. Because most of them have earned a master of engineering in management, they would know how to go about this appropriately. Coming up with new innovations for three-dimensional printing processes and equipment is what engineering is all about. Engineering managers might be able to devise a robotics part that moves about the object, rather than having the object move. Lasers are also useful and can be created or updated for use in three-dimensional printing.

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Reusing Scrap Material

Another method that engineering managers could use for boosting the efficiency of three-dimensional printing is to reuse scrap material. In many cases, the printing process results in a significant amount of wasted material. Rather than throwing it away, consider how it could be reused in the next project. Prototypes that do not work out could be scanned and saved digitally. Those materials could then be reused for the next printed prototype.

For metal 3D printers, the materials can even be ground up and re-used or recycled in some cases.

Running Large Projects Overnight

When time is at a premium, the efficiency of a 3D printer could be optimized by running large projects overnight. When nobody is around to switch out projects, running the big ones at night allows managers to make the most of the printer. Smaller projects could be run during the day when staff is available to switch out the products and update the printer with new instructions.

The technology behind three-dimensional printing is changing at a fast pace. To ensure that the printers are as efficient as possible, engineering managers can test a variety of software programs and printing techniques. Materials can also be tinkered with to see if they have an effect on the speed of the process. Careful scheduling of the printing of projects will also help to make the printing process optimized for efficiency.

By  Rachelle WilberEmbed


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