5 Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Tips that Actually Work

Monday, June 26, 2017

Weight Loss Tips that Actually Work

We all have a “fitspiration.” Someone that we look up to and serves as our motivation to reach our ideal body. And so we try all the diet trends and workout routines to achieve a fit and toned body. Some of us even turn to science and seek the help of health professionals such as nutritionists and cosmetic surgeons.


Who does not want to look as hot as Scarlett Johansson or Ryan Gosling?

We all have a “fitspiration”. Someone that we look up to and serves as our motivation to reach our ideal body. And so we try all the diet trends and workout routines to achieve a fit and toned body. Some of us even turn to science and seek the help of health professionals such as nutritionists and cosmetic surgeons.

Not all of these methods are effective though. There are some that will only leave you exhausted and frustrated without showing a promising result.

If you want to effectively lose weight, try these scientifically proven tips that work.

1. Protein at every meal

If you want to lose weight rapidly, have lots of protein at every meal. It’s one of the most important nutrients to get a healthy looking body.

How can protein help in weight loss?

Protein has a positive effect on some of the weight regulating hormones. When you consume a meal that has a higher level of protein, your satiety hormones (peptide YY, GLP – 1, and cholecystokinin) are increased while your hunger hormone is decreased. This means you feel full for a longer period of time and your hunger is majorly reduced. No more overeating or unnecessary snacking.

Protein also boosts your metabolism and makes you burn more calories.

To expedite your weight loss, eat more foods rich in protein such as turkey, chicken, pork, lean beef, sardines, salmon, trout, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, chickpeas, kidney beans and lentils.

eat protein

2. Don’t skip meals or calories

Most of us are guilty of this practice: Skipping meals to lose weight.

While some may lost some pounds off when they forego eating a meal, it is not always effective. On the contrary, nutritionists discourage us to skip a meal. Skipping a meal would not always result to weight loss, but the opposite.

What will happen if you skip a meal?

Losing weight may occur, but there’s a catch. You will probably drop some weight in the short term, but there’s a higher risk of gaining them back. Plus, the weight that you will lose may not come from fat but from muscles which is not ideal.

You could also run low on nutrients and will likely make up a missed meal with some junk food. You’re hungry so you have a tendency to overeat in order to compensate the hunger. Since you’re running low in energy, you feel exhausted to exercise.

Instead of skipping a meal, eat each meal with a healthy serving of nutritious foods.

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3. Remove sugar from your diet

A teaspoon of sugar may not seem to hurt.

Well, each teaspoon contains 16 calories and this does not seem as much, but it can add up if you consume lots of sugary beverages or food. Sugar and weight gain are often linked. Added sugar increases the food’s calorie content and you will certainly gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

Removing sugar from your diet will help you consume fewer calories which results to weight loss. Since one teaspoon of sugar is equivalent to 16 calories, cutting out 10 tablespoons of sugar from foods and drinks will cut out 160 calories from your diet. Do that for the entire week and you cut out a total of 1,120 calories.

If you want to reduce your caloric intake, eliminate fruit-flavored drink, soda, cake, candy, ice cream, donuts, cookies and other desserts.

4. Drink lots of water

While drinking 8-10 glasses of water gives you a fresh and hydrated skin, it can also help you in losing some extra pounds.

drinking  water

Here’s why you should drink plenty of water every day:

  • It helps in achieving a powerful workout - If you are dehydrated, your workout will suffer as you won’t have the energy and endurance. 
  • It speeds up your metabolism - Every time you drink water, your body has to work and burn the calories to process them. 
  • It eliminates hunger cues – Thirst is often misread as hunger. If you feel hunger pangs, grab a glass of water first instead of some cookies. Drink a glass of water before your meal to avoid over-eating. 

5. Exercise is a must

If you just rely on a diet plan, you won’t be able to achieve your ideal body. Couple your healthy eating habit with a regular exercise to lose weight fast and effectively. If you want to get optimum result of your workout, you can use workout tools such as the Nordic track ellipticals.

These loss tips are not just hearsay; these are backed up by science and facts. Do all of these tips and you’ll be surprised at how much weight you’ve lost in a short span of time.

By  Scott MurphyEmbed

Author Bio - Scott Murphy rowed crew at college in upstate New York and still has the same passion for the sport over 20 years later. He is a regular contributor to allrowers.com, a site offering reviews, workouts, industry news and education about the benefits of rowing and regular exercise.


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