The Dark Side Of The Singularity

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Dark Side Of The Singularity


The Singularity is coming and promises to change on a fundamental and massive level. While the future will be full of amazing advancements and technological wonders, the question is, will we be able to change with it?

"Right now, we are on the cusp of a technological disruption that will make the switch from horses to cars look like switching from Coke to Pepsi," states YouTuber Joe Scott from the channel, Answers With Joe.

"What happens when a third of your workforce is out of their job through no fault of their own?"
As Scott discusses, there is a dark side of the technological Singularity, one that really needs to be talked about because the way we respond to it is going to significantly alter our future as a species.

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For instance, The BBC released a report just a few weeks ago that said that 30% of jobs are going to go away in the next 10 years because of automation.

Factories already decimated by outsourcing are now losing even more jobs to automation. And as automation becomes more sophisticated, more industries are at risk.

The transportation sector actually makes up 25% of the jobs in the United States, if you can believe that. A full quarter of the population. And autonomous cars… They’re pretty much here.

For Scott, the future has the potential to be a utopia, but in between now and then he worries that things will get bad. How bad? Just "the worst it has ever been in history." He is more afraid of this than the effects of climate change.

SOURCE  Answers With Joe

By  33rd SquareEmbed


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