Dystopian Drama Or Utopian Universe?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Dystopian Drama Or Utopian Universe?


Let’s be honest; we all feel as though we’re living in a dystopian a lot of the time. The predictions of Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy came true as soon as cloning was on the cards. And, Orwell’s 1984 was an accurate depiction of where politics is taking us. Yet, against the odds, we keep hope. Why? Because we have the power to speak out.

One thing most dystopias have in common is that the people have been silenced. Communication is removed, and people operate on a solo basis. So, we feel safe because we’re connected. We have a platform, and most of us use it. From Youtube to Twitter, we shout loud and proud about the state of the world and feel safer for it.

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e But, it’s possible that communication is another danger we should look out for. As we can communicate with each other, computers can communicate among themselves. They may not have reached AI level yet - they do need our input at some stage. But, with scientists developing an artificial synapse capable of autonomous learning, it won’t be long before we’re taken out the equation. 61850 source code may be helpful for developing communications systems for us, but will there come a time when it can operate alone? Some people laugh and brush away such a suggestion, but it seems probable when you look at the facts.

Why is it so frightening to think technology could communicate without us? In some ways, humans are afraid of their creations. There have been enough films and books written about machines taking over. Most of those were written well before the possibility even arose. Instead of seeing these as predictions, we could argue that they founded the basis for our research. Scientists watched those films and read those books and decided to explore. But, none of us can deny that the outcomes are rarely good. Another reason to fear the possibility is that it would make us obsolete. Many people have lost jobs to machines over the years. With the BBC reporting that 30% of jobs could be lost in the next decade, it’s understandable that we’re worried.

Despite our fears, though, we continue to invest in new experiments and developments. Why? There’s no denying that medical advances have been amazing. They’ve saved more lives than you could count. But, medical experimentation can also be problematic. With the development of artificial wombs, we’re even taking ourselves out of the reproductive process. In a lot of ways, it seems that we continue to experiment because we want to see how far we can go. What can the human mind create?

But, have the people who lead experiments lost sight of what the public want? If asked, the majority of the population would say that science has gone far enough. It seems there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Is it possible that the communication which is saving us could become a problem later down the line?

By  33rd SquareEmbed


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