Top Technological Innovations That Changed How Businesses Recruit

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Top Technological Innovations That Changed How Businesses Recruit


It used to be a rather cumbersome process in the past for companies to recruit the best and most qualified individuals for any given position. Headhunters ruled the day, and many companies were left hoping that the right candidates would, in fact, find them.

Times have certainly changed in this regard, buoyed by a myriad of technological innovations that have changed the way that many businesses recruit personnel today. Let us look at four examples of how this is the case.

CRM Technology is Changing the Way Applicants Are Tracked

Depending on the size of an organization, a great many applicants can be recruited and apply. It might be tempting to hire the first person that seems to be perfect for the position, but this makes a poor use of the overall recruitment process. There needs to be a way to effectively manage all of the applicants, classify them, and eventually arrive at a pool of candidates the legitimately fit the bill as being the perfect person for the job. Technology has enabled this to happen in ways never before dreamed possible, and it can all be manage with a modern CRM system. The same way the customers are tracked, coded, and tracked can apply to potential recruits. This enables Human Resources to streamline the recruitment process and manage applications, even if they number in the thousands.

Recruiters Can Now Engage With Recruits More Effectively Online

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In the past, recruiters were forced to rely primarily on telephone and face to face conversations with prospective candidates. Not only was this a time consume process, it often served to limit the geographical reach of that the recruiters had. It was simply not productive to consider any candidate that was too far, as it would have resulted in a great deal of back and forth before and invitation to an interview could actually be dished out. Technology has changed all of this by allowing recruiters to engage with recruits almost entirely online. This has opened up the process and allowed recruiters to handle more applications and effectively narrow down the pool more quickly and easily.

Not only that, but recruiters can now engage with potential candidates through their own websites. Many people—freelancers and those hoping to get a job—have their own websites that they were able to create themselves or with the help of enterprise web development services. These sites act as a portfolio and as a visual resume to employers. It allows them to see whether or not the candidate truly has something that they want.

Virtual Interviewing Capabilities

It is expensive to bring in a recruit for an interview if they are out of the area. It is equally expensive to send recruiters to other areas of the region, country, or globe in search of qualified recruits to conduct interviews with. Even with the expense, however, this used to be the only way to accomplish the task. What this did was limit the number of recruits that were seriously considered for a job, potentially costing a company a great prospective candidate in return. Technology has one again solved this problem by enabling initial interviews to take place in a virtual environment. This allows recruiters to narrow down the candidate pool and only invite the cream of the crop in for a personal face to face. 

Metrics and Data Analysis Made Much Simpler

Technology has also made it possible to analyze industry trends and track certain metrics relating to the recruitment process. This allows recruiters to know what type of compensation to offer in order to attract the best and most qualified candidates to any given position. When used effectively, this can give the company a competitive advantage over others operating in the same industry.

These are just four of the ways that technology is effectively making recruitment of quality personnel more effective and streamlined. What used to be a localized search for new talent can now become global. Recruiters have more time to spend searching for new employees, and those looking for a new position have more avenues at their disposal to make themselves known. Technology is a definite win in this area!

By  Hannah WhittenlyEmbed

Author Bio - Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, California.


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