What Tech Advances Create a Better Quality of Life for the Deaf?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What Tech Advances Create a Better Quality of Life for the Deaf?


While it is not ideal to go through the day unable to hear the sounds all around you, that is exactly the reality for countless millions of people around the world. It used to be that there was little that could be done to combat this situation and make life a bit easier for those who have lost their hearing, but that is quickly changing.

Take a look at these four technological advances that are effectively creating a better quality of life for the deaf.

MotionSavvy UNI Software

This is a handy invention created by students at the Rochester Institute of Technology National Technical Institute for the Deaf. This is believed to be the first two-way communication software program designed exclusively for the deaf. The UNI system will translate American Sign Language directly in speech. That speech can then be transferred into text form. This is made possible by a social camera that is used to track both hands and all fingers in order to read the sign language and the gestures that are created. There is even a dictionary within the software program that can be customized, so users can add some unique signs that they have developed for their own use.

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Solar Ear Hearing Aids

With the cost of hearings aids and their batteries becoming out of reach of many individuals in America and around the world, solar ear has been developed to make use of the power of the sun. The batteries cost much less and they will last for two to three years, which pales in comparison to the one week that most traditional hearing aid batteries last. The quality of these hearing aids are rather impressive, and they have brought tremendous assistance to those that are hearing impaired throughout many regions of the world.

Online Communication Disorders Programs

Many universities and colleges around the country are now offering online communication disorders programs. This is a great way for the deaf and those interested in helping them alike to learn more about the technological advances that are being made in this area. In addition, it is these communicative disorders degree programs that are continuing to further provide new resources and tools that will continue to push forward the progress that has been realized in recent years. Any interested individual can take an online course and learn more about communications based disorders and how modern technology is enhancing the quality of life for those affected. One simply needs to conduct an Internet search to find a program in their area.

Smartphone Text Conversation Software

Smartphones and tablets are a great invention, and this platform is now showing great promise for the deaf and hearing impaired. One great application that has recently been developed in aptly named ISEEWHATYOUSAY. The deaf can use this program to capture spoken language and have it converted directly into text. This set is then sent over Bluetooth to the user’s device. The device can be as small as a flash drive, and wearable devices are also able to make use of the program. This application is particularly useful to the elderly population, as they might have lost their ability to hear but they can still speak.

These are just four of the many technological advances that have been made in this area in recent years. The deaf continue to see their quality of life being enhanced as they are able to better interact throughout society via the use of these devices and resources. The future is bright in this area, with many more inventions in the works that are showing great promise in the area of providing assistance to the hearing impaired.

By  Rachelle WilberEmbed


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