Fan Splices the End of 'Rogue One' with the Beginning of 'A New Hope' and it is Awesome

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Fan Splices the end of 'Rogue One' with the beginning of 'A New Hope' and it is Awesome


A Star Wars fan just posted a nine-minute video on Vimeo that connects the two films, and proves the seamlessness of the films. It is a must-see. 

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It is no secret that Star Wars is a favorite at 33rd Square, and the latest offering from Disney, "Rogue One" didn't disappoint. The film was a great prequel that seemed to tie in seamlessly with the original 1977 Star Wars movie ("A New Hope").

Digital Princess Leia

Now, Barre Fong just posted a nine-minute video on Vimeo that connects the two films, and proves the seamlessness of the films.

The Rogue One footage ends with Leia's ship speeding off. That then cuts to the start of the "A New Hope" footage, where we find her ship under attack by Vader's Star Destroyer. We also get to compare the uncanny valley effects that were used to create a young Princess Leia with the original acting by the late Carrie Fisher in one continuous clip.


SOURCE  Barre Fong

By  33rd SquareEmbed



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