How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize Online Marketing

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize The Online Marketing

Artificial Intelligence

According to a recent report by Hubspot, the number one issue that companies face when it comes to online marketing is gaining traffic and converting them into leads or sales. While the internet is rising and more individuals than ever have access to the internet, you’d think companies shouldn’t have these issues.

Unfortunately, less than 50% of businesses in the United States do not have an official website and the majority are focusing more on their social media channels than they do on their own website. This is one of the most crucial factors that are contributing to the low traffic rates that many companies face today.

On the plus side, the latest advancements in online marketing tools are utilizing artificial intelligence to improve the results businesses obtain through their digital marketing efforts. These developments are making it easier than ever for businesses to have their own spot on the internet and to place themselves in front of the competition. Companies are also able to save a lot of time by using AI-enabled tools to automatically post new content on their websites, social media channels and to distribute information directly to their subscribers. In this post, we’ll explore the many ways artificial intelligence in online marketing tools and strategies, and discuss how this technology is helping business owners grow their companies and brands.
Automated Website Designers

Molly (created by The Grid) and Sacha (created by Firedrop) are two examples of how artificial intelligence and web design have been combined to empower businesses and even professional individuals to create their own presence on the world-wide-web. Wix also recently introduce a brand new AI-powered website builder, named Wix ADI, to help companies build websites without having to do anything themselves. These platforms offer a simple, yet powerful system that asks the user a couple of questions and then creates a unique website that perfectly fits in with their specific brand or business. One of the most significant develops is Sacha, a bot that actually chats with the user and creates a website while the user is having a conversation with “her” – live.
Community And Influencer Platforms

Businesses are often using influencer marketing to reach more customers. This has been an effective marketing strategy for the last few years and it is growing more popular. Many platforms have also been launched that uses artificial intelligence to connect businesses with influencers in their industries. Both influencers and businesses are able to sign up to these platforms and connect to their blogs, as well as their social media accounts. The artificial intelligence technology then analyzes and classified each of the users, and then recommends suitable influencers to a business or internet entrepreneur.

Automated Content Creation

Content creation is one of the most important parts of running a business, especially when it comes to the internet marketing. Content includes text, video, audio, and images – all working together to reach an audience on different channels. Unfortunately, the process of creating content is time-consuming and can cost a company a lot of money when it is outsourced. Some writers charge as much as $25,000 to produce a single page of content for a landing page. Hiring a professional to produce a marketing video can cost as much as $50,000 or even more. Designers charge an average of $399 and higher to produce a simple infographic, which is now considered to be an effective marketing medium. Artificial intelligence has made the process of producing content faster and easier, and much more affordable. Many platforms, such as the Automated Insights system, can produce content that seems like it was created by humans based on simple data inputs. Utilizing such a system could cost a company less than $1,000 per month, which often gives them unlimited access to content-on-demand.

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E-Mail Automation

Another element of internet marketing that artificial intelligence is being incorporated into is e-mails and e-mail marketing. A lot of companies and internet entrepreneurs have to filter through thousands of emails every day, which can cost them a lot of time – and, as we all know, time equals money. To speed up this process, e-mail automation can be used. These tools utilize artificial intelligent to “read” through emails and then automatically filters all the emails. The tool will also learn how the user interacts with their emails and how they respond to different types of emails. Eventually, the tool will be able to automatically reply to emails for the user and present any emails to the user that they personally have to attend to. Any emails that do not seem to be important will be filtered into a folder that the user can go through at their own convenience.

E-mail automation also utilizes artificial intelligence to send e-mail newsletters and updates to the subscribers of a company’s blog based on the subscriber’s specific interests. There are different techniques that are used to accomplish this goal. For example, a subscriber’s IP address may be collected by the tool, accompanied by a list of topics they read on the website. The tool will then automatically send them an email whenever a new topic is posted that is related to any of the topics they have read on the website before. The tool could also ask the subscriber about their interests and automatically e-mail them with a link to a new article that is related to their specific interests. These are, however, only a handful of ways that artificial intelligent technology is being added to e-mail platforms to improve the productivity of marketers and to help them get more done in a single day.


Artificial intelligence has been an excellent addition to the online world, especially when it comes to creating a presence for a company on the internet and promoting their online presence. From bots that automatically publishes content to a blog to tools that connect companies to the best audience, growing a company online has become easier than ever – the key is to utilize these tools and to take action.

By  Vivian MichaelsEmbed

Author Bio - Vivian Michaels is a huge tech enthusiast who likes to write articles on evolving technology. He is also a Fitness coach with a sincere desire to help people achieve their individual fitness goals.


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