Lab Sanitation: 3 Ways Technology Has Made Labs Safer

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lab Sanitation: 3 Ways Technology Has Made Labs Safer


When you walk into a laboratory, one of the first things that you notice is the smell of cleanliness. There are reasons as to why a lab needs to be as clean as possible, and technology has come a long way in making it easier to keep the area sanitary.

There are multiple reasons why a laboratory needs to be as clean as possible, and technology has come a long way in making it easier to keep the area sanitary.It's important to also keep the lab safe. If the lab is in a government building or a healthcare environment, then there could be viruses that are growing in small containers. In the event that something happens in the lab, the virus could spread across the room and into other areas of the building. When chemicals and other products aren't handled properly, then they can cause serious harm, such as burns, to the people who are working in the lab. A fire could also occur, especially with chemicals and materials that are highly flammable. The equipment, which is often very expensive, is protected when safety practices are used in the lab. Safety techniques can also help to prevent cross-contamination. This is one of the important things to consider when you're trying to come up with a vaccine to a disease or a cure or even trying to determine the illness that someone has.

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The proper attire is one of the ways that the lab will stay as safe as possible. Technology has improved to offer new types of goggles and masks that help to keep out more of the particles that circulate in the air. The attire will also help to keep chemicals and other items off of the skin as the materials that are used are usually now flame-resistant and even repel water. You want to have a thick pair of gloves on the hands while working in the lab, but the gloves should allow you to be able to work with the equipment. A lab coat that covers the clothing from the neck to the feet should be worn if you're working with hazardous materials.

Washing Supplies

A compact high-speed microplate washer is an item that is now being used in many labs. It has a small area that will easily and quickly wash the plates that are used in the lab. An example might be a microscope plate or one that has held bacteria. These washers operate on high speeds, cleaning the plates in a fast manner while still keeping them from breaking. There are solutions available that will sterilize countertops and other surfaces that will kill bacteria and viruses that are on them. These solutions often come in the form of sprays. In large labs, you might find hoses that are used on the surfaces, especially if the area is an open space.


You need to have areas of storage in the lab to protect the files and other important components. A large storage cabinet is ideal for clothing and other attire that is worn. You want to keep paperwork in a filing area where it can't get damaged by the products that are used in the lab. Any equipment that is used with chemicals or equipment that is expensive should be kept in a storage area that has a reinforced enclosure. Some of the technology that is used today includes fireproof safes that will protect items inside if there is a fire in the lab.

Any lab is important because it's a place where diseases are diagnosed or where important scientific work is performed in order to advance the world of science and health. Technology has made it possible to safely work in a lab and to keep the work areas as clean and safe as possible for the equipment that is used and the people who are in the room at the time. As technology develops, then more research can be conducted in smaller settings so that precise details can be examined.

By  Emma SturgisEmbed

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston. When not writing, she enjoys baking and indoor rock climbing. Find her on Google +.


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