Bernhard Schindlholzer Looks at Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

 Bernhard Schindlholzer Looks at Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education

Artificial Intelligence

In a recent TEDx talk, Dr. Bernhard Schindlholzer looked at the implications of ephemeralization - a term coined by Buckminster Fuller to describe the ability of technological advancement to do "more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing" - through artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Dr. Bernhard Schindlholzer is a technology manager working on Machine Learning and E-commerce. In this talk he gave at TEDx FHKufstein, Schindlholzer contemplated the implications of ephemeralization - a term coined by Buckminster Fuller to describe the ability of technological advancement to do "more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing" - through artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Bernhard Schindlholzer

"Economic growth will come from non-routine creative knowledge work."
Schindlholzer explores the challenges that this technological approach poses to our economy and, furthermore, how they could be addressed by questioning established norms of our education systems.

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Schindlholzer argues that while artificial intelligence and technology like self driving cars will certainly lead to many jobs being lost in the future, new jobs will take their place.  "Future economic growth will come from non-routine creative knowledge work," he claims. He further defines this as work which designs solutions that solves problems in the world.

This type of work is already done today by scientists, physicists, computer programmers and engineers, argues Schindlholzer, and the good thing about this, he argues is that there is an unlimited number of problems in the world. "There will always be work for someone who can solve real problems," he says.

The challenge for the future is preparing the workforce for the transition to a problem solving economy. "No one will hire you anymore for what you know," says Schindlholzer on the principle that AI, will increasingly put knowledge right at our fingerprints.

The future of eductation

The mode of education we use today is not conducive to this future, he argues. Institutions today are already pushing the new way of teaching, including more collaboration between educators and students on concrete problems. Design Thinking education is another key example of the form education of the future must take to produce creative knowledge workers for the future economy.

Schindlholzer breaks down the requirements for education in the future into the need for problem based learning, immersion and simulation. Problem based learning means students are challenged to apply their learning and re-frame their questions to real-world problems. Immersion involves reworking solutions over time.

With simulation, students are free to experiment in a safe environment where they can learn and build upon failure. All of these components will push education beyond pure knowledge transfer, argues Schindlholzer.


By 33rd SquareEmbed


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