3 Ways Technology Will Play a Role in Your Small Business

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

3 Ways Technology Will Play a Role in Your Small Business

Artificial Intelligence

Technology is one of the biggest assets for a small business today. Here are three ways that you can use technology to help your small business succeed.

As the owner of a small business, you have to maximize every moment of your day. Using technology is a smart way to make the most of your time without running yourself ragged. Below are three ways that you can use technology to help your small business succeed.


Today’s small businesses must interact with cyberspace for everything from credit card processing to ordering parts and supplies to filing taxes. The use of the internet can leave even small business vulnerable to cybercrime. Many small businesses cannot afford an in-house IT team to manage their online presence and minimize threats, but there are companies, such as Bedrock IT, a company that specializes in IT services in Ottawa, can provide the necessary services to prevent intrusions so that you can spend your time doing what you do best.

Time Management

No matter what type of small business you run, there will always be a calendar to keep up with and a schedule to set and keep. Smart devices, like tablets and smartphones, can keep you and your schedule synced. Depending on the type of tablet and the apps you choose, your smart device can act as a virtual assistant, going everywhere you go and keeping you organized and up to date.

Additionally, cloud computing makes it easy to have all your documents organized and at the ready for every business meeting. Whether you choose Google Drive, Microsoft’s cloud or another system for virtual document storage, these constructs save you the time and headache of assembling the correct documents for staff meetings and sales pitches. With virtual storage technology and a tablet, all your documents are accessible to all participants instantly without the need for a day in the copy room or a line of credit at your local office center.

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Technology has made keeping up with your accounts easier than ever. Except for cash deposits, you hardly need to go to the bank at all. Many banks have online banking options and have created apps for use on your smart device that allow you to deposit checks through your Wi-Fi connection. Doing your banking this way allows you to bank around your schedule, not the banks.

Going Forward

Whether it is hiring an IT service or the wise use of smart devices and apps, the use of technology is the small business owner’s best strategy to get ahead and stay ahead of the competition. From the wise use of time to risk management, technology can be your best business partner.

By Lizzie WeakleyEmbed

Author Bio: Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. Lizzie enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball.


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