Technological Advances That Make Us Healthier

Friday, July 15, 2016

Technological Advances That Make Us Healthier


Technology, as it advanced from the wheel to the printing press to GPS, has helped improve the quality of life for real people all over the world. Technological advances make our lives easier, safer, more-informed, and even healthier.

Technology, as it advanced from the wheel to the printing press to GPS, has helped improve the quality of life for real people all over the world. Technological advances make our lives easier, safer, more-informed, and even healthier.


According to a 2014 CDC report, an estimated 732,000 childhood deaths and 322 million cases of childhood illness have been prevented over the 20 years between 1994 and 2014. Many diseases which used to be common are now preventable with vaccines.  Moreover, the risks involved are small. For example, the TDaP vaccine, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, causes adverse reactions in less than 0.001% of the people who receive the vaccine. Even those who can't be immunized are protected because vaccination also prevents the spread of disease. This concept, called herd immunity, means that when a certain portion of the population (75-95%) is immunized, those who can't be immunized are also protected.
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Orthodontic Technology

Good dental hygiene is important to prevent cavities, gum disease, and bad breath, but Europeans didn't start using the bristle brush until the seventeenth century, and toothpaste resembling what we use today, containing soap and chalk, became popular in the nineteenth century. Proctor & Gamble came out with a toothpaste containing fluoride in 1956. Fluoride has benefits for your teeth, but should not be ingested at all.  It can cause a whole host of health problems if ingested.
Yet another way to improve dental health is with orthodontic technology. Through the use of braces to straighten teeth, grinding and wear, chewing and digestion problems, the chances of injury can be minimized. Professionals, like those at Waterford Dental, know that advances in orthodontic technology can help improve dental health.  Some of these include: in-office cone beam CT scanners, self-ligating brackets to reduce discomfort, and even clear tray-style braces to help improve patient experience and results.

The Internet

People like to rag on the Internet for leading to laziness, overuse of social media, and even security risks, but they lose sight of the bigger picture. The rise of the Internet and advances in other forms of communication has made it easy for people in developed countries to find medical advice and assistance.

Looking Forward

We are lucky to live in a time where we can enjoy all the technology we have and look forward to a future of even greater improvements in health and well-being. One day, we might even be able to share the benefits with all people and improve as a global community.

By Rachelle Wilber Embed


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