Buzzed Brain: How Drugs Work to Alter Neural Processes

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Buzzed Brain: How Drugs Work to Alter Neural Processes


Few doubt that drugs have played an integral role throughout our evolution as a species. Yet to date we still don't have a full understanding of how they interact with our bodies and brains.

Scientists and shamans alike have been working since the dawn of history to better understand the purposes of drugs—only recently have we truly begun to comprehend how they affect neural processes. Without a doubt drugs have played an entirely integral role throughout our evolution as a species. Exploring how they affect us is the first step towards a complete understanding of the complex relationship between human neural processes and the substances we classify as intoxicants and drugs.


The first anti-psychotic medications, also known as neuroleptics, were developed in the 1950's and are now known as the “typical anti-psychotics”. Atypical anti-psychotics were discovered around the same time, but were not marketed until the 1970's. The typical anti-psychotics include Haloperidol (Haldol®) and Chlorpromazine (Thorazine®). The atypical anti-psychotics include Risperidone (Risperidal®) and Ziprasidone (Geodon®).

These drugs act as a blockade for hyperactive dopamine receptors, although the atypical anti-psychotics are thought to act on the serotonin receptors as well. This receptor dysfunction is thought to be the root cause of many mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


The hallucinogenic category includes Psilocybin, the natural Tryptophan-derived alkaloid in “magic mushrooms”. It also includes LSD, or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, which is a semi-synthetic Tryptophan alkaloid originally developed from a different fungus (Common name: Ergot – Claviceps purpurea) to treat migraine headaches.

There are compounds such as Scopolamine and Atropine, which induce delirium at high doses, but have practical medical value when used in pure form by professionals. The two aforementioned tropane alkaloids are found in a number of plants, such as the Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and Jimson weed (Datura stramonium). THC, one of the hallucinogenic compounds in the Cannabis plant, is often thought as a less obtrusive hallucinogen because it does not produce visual hallucination. This is mainly thought to be the work of the brain's serotonin center.

Lastly, excluding Cannabis, the drugs in the Hallucinogenic category are patently non-addictive. Many are actually used, in some cases, in treating addictions to harder drugs, such as nicotine, alcohol, Methamphetamine, and heroin.


Two of the most well-known stimulants in the world are caffeine and cocaine. The former is a xanthine alkaloid found in coffee beans that works on human adenosine receptors. The latter is a highly addictive, short acting tropane alkaloid that is used as a dopamine releasing agent in the brain. It is extracted from the waxy tops of Coca leaf (Erythroxylum coca). Both occur naturally in plants.

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There's also the Ephedra bush, of which there are many varieties. It is a grass that naturally produces ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Ephedra was used through history to treat the symptoms of the common cold and flu for its ability to open up the airways and decongest the sinus passageways. Since then, scientists have created a more concentrated, synthetic preparation of pseudoephedrine, for the same purposes. However, through a series of chemical reactions, pseudoephedrine may be turned into the illicit methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is arguably one of the strongest stimulants known to humankind, acting directly on the dopamine and norepinephrine centers of the brain.


If you enjoy alcoholic beverages, then what you’re enjoying is the depressant effect that ethanol has on your central nervous system. It could also be argued that nicotine has both stimulant and depressant effects, but mainly, this group of drugs is filled with painkillers and sedatives. Barbiturates were popular both as a sleeping pill and as a seizure medication in higher doses. That's before the Benzodiazepines were invented.

Benzodiazepines are much less of a risk when it comes to overdose, and they display almost the same efficacy. The first Benzodiazepine was marketed in 1960, and diazepam (Valium®) in 1963. Benzodiazepines affect our GABA receptors, and this mitigates anxiety as well as insomnia. Inasmuch, all of the opioid analgesics are depressants that act on OP receptors in our brain. Drugs such as morphine, codeine, and hydrocodone help decrease pain in those with sufficient injury, but when abused, the user typically chases a euphoric, sleepy high. This quickly leads to addiction, given the fact that our OP receptors are G protein-coupled receptors (GpcR's). It is important to note, because when a GpcR is activated, conformational changes occur, causing physical change in cellular shape and function.

While we are beginning to understand the complex ways in which drugs influence our neural processes, there is more work to be done if we hope to make significant strides in the field of addiction recovery. Much has been accomplished in the realm of modern medicine, but there is so much room for improvement. The more we know, the better prepared we will be to confront and treat substance addiction.


By Emma SturgisEmbed


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