Why Opt For Cloud Computing Solutions For Big Data Projects?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Why Opt For Cloud Computing Solutions For Big Data Projects?

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing solutions are an efficient, scalable, extendable path for organizations requiring cost-effective architectures. Find out how to achieve quicker time-to-market with these products and solutions.

A big data project tends to grow alarmingly large and become increasingly complex over time. Businesses need an efficient, scalable, extendable solution that makes total business sense and is cost-effective. Cloud computing solutions offer cost-effective and supportive architectures that deliver the quick analytic insights, businesses need to drive their market strategies.

Cloud Solutions Can Easily Handle Big Data 

It’s called Big Data for a reason – the sheer volume and velocity of data is too much for any relational database to manage and deploy in real time, let alone a human being. Handling the huge volumes and varied forms of big data requires several server clusters and multiple, varied tools. No wonder IT organizations are increasingly looking towards cloud computing to manage their not-so-sensitive volumes of data.

Cloud Solutions Make Total Big Data Sense

The cloud stores tons of public data sets. This huge volume of data is gleaned from social media, industries, weather channels, finance markets, genome datasets and many other sources. Businesses can leverage this big data, entirely outside their data centers, by moving their analytics programs to the cloud. This makes it possible to extract greater value from big data by merging and analyzing structured data sets. Since the data resides outside of the IT data center, it’s easier to come up with ways to do the following with minimum overheads:

  • Incorporate new data 
  • Make provision for potential new data 
  • Come up with analyzing and reporting methodologies for the new data

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Cloud solutions also increase IT productivity, given that the integration of components required for analytics is automated. There’s literally nothing for IT organizations to do except to ensure everything’s working smoothly and leverage business insights.

Cloud Solutions Are Highly Scalable And Flexible

Cloud solutions can instantly provision servers to analyze huge volumes of big data. It’s possible to generate huge computing power briefly, within minutes, on the cloud for data analysis without any struggle. Cloud solutions allow for fast server provisioning and easy scaling up and down of big data projects as needed. Businesses don’t need to invest in enormous supercomputers to achieve this kind of scalability and flexibility. It’s all possible now with pay-by-the-hour cloud computing.

Cloud Solutions Are Eminently Extendable

Cloud solutions offer the elastic extendibility that market highs and low demand. It is possible to add or remove any number of users and applications to a cloud solution as needed. It’s no longer necessary to invest in high-capacity equipment and personnel to handle maximum demand and write up losses later. Cloud solutions adapt seamlessly with business needs, leaving business heads to apply focus on other critical matters.

Cloud Solutions Enable Quick Time-to-market

We’ve already seen just how hard it is to deploy an in-house big data analytics system. Server provisioning, process scaling, data distribution – it boggles the mind. Needless to say, data loses its value if not quickly leveraged. Cloud solutions deliver business-critical insights faster, enabling businesses to achieve quicker time-to-market with their products and solutions.

By Vaishnavi AgrawalEmbed

About the Author:

Vaishnavi Agrawal loves pursuing excellence through writing and have a passion for technology. She has successfully managed and run personal technology magazines and websites. She currently writes for Intellipaat, a global training company that provides e-learning and professional certification training.

The courses offered by Intellipaat address the unique needs of working professionals. She is based out of Bangalore and has an experience of 5 years in the field of content writing and blogging. Her work has been published on various sites related to Hadoop, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing, IT, SAP, Project Management and more.


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