5 Modern Trends Evolving the Health Care Scene

Friday, November 20, 2015

5 Modern Trends Evolving the Health Care Scene


Change is very important to the healthcare industry. Without it, patients will not be provided with better and more efficient care. The evolution of healthcare will lead to people being able to live longer and more healthy lives.

One of the most quickly developing parts of the economy is healthcare. Not only is this progress exciting, but it could also mean an increased quality of life for everyone. Currently, there are a few different trends that are slowly but surely causing major changes in how healthcare is provided to patients.

The Integration of Mobile

While mobile has yet to have as big of an impact on healthcare as it has for other parts of the economy, this could soon change. Soon mobile devices with WiFi connections will be used to more closely track the health status of patients with serious conditions while they are at home or away. Previously, this level of remote monitoring was impossible. The additional information collected will allow for better and more customized care.

Medical Device Packaging Validation

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One thing that can determine the success or failure of treatment is the stability of the medical devices used by a patient. Contaminants must be kept out of many medical devices at the microbial level. Thankfully, new technology has provided for more accurate medical device packaging validations. What this means is that the packaging for a medical device can be tested with new technology from places like Nelson Laboratories to insure its integrity as well as its ability to act as a microbial barrier.

3D Printing

3D Printing in medicine

3D printing is certainly an exciting new technology with plenty of great applications in healthcare. In the near future, medical devices that are tailored to specific patients may be able to be manufactured on a cost efficient basis through 3D printing. Many researchers also believe that 3D printing could lead to the creation of replacement organs and body parts.

Remote Doctoring

Teleconferencing technology that once required overhead investments of thousands of dollars is now available for free with most computers. More advanced remote sensors that can send patient information through the internet is now available as well. Soon, patients may be able to see doctors from remote locations where healthcare professionals with certain kinds of expertise are not available.

Big Data

Big data is a term used to refer to the collection of vast amounts of data that were too much for traditional databases to handle. Big data has certain great benefits for the healthcare industry. It means the better tracking and analysis of patient information that can lead to better personalized care. This data can also be used to develop new and more effective forms of treatment.

By Rachelle WilberEmbed


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