7 Unique Ways Technology is Improving our Health

Monday, July 20, 2015

7 Unique Ways Technology is Improving our Health


Here are a few more ways technology is making our lives better, by making us healthier.

Human life span is now longer than ever before, and this is thanks in part to different forms of technology that benefit our health. Technology has helped to make clean drinking water more available, increased overall sanitation and improved medicine.

1. Cell Renewal Drink

Technology is often forgotten when it comes to our health, but it is actually technology that makes many of the processes available to get the extracts necessary from nature to create medicines that we cannot live without. Technology is how the companies like ASEA figured out how to create a drink that renews cells. Pretty amazing.

2. The Penumbra ACE64

This micro-vacuum is so small that it can suck dangerous blood clots out of vessels in the brain. This new technological device is still quite new in the market and was only just cleared for use in the UK last year.

3. The Implantable Chip

This device will make it easier to keep track of clinical studies and to see how far diseases have progressed or recessed

This square centimeter chip can be implanted in the skin and detects pH levels, glucose, cholesterol, body temperature and more. A battery is placed on the skin above where the chip is implanted. This chip sends out readings, which are received wirelessly. This device will make it easier to keep track of clinical studies and to see how far diseases have progressed or recessed. The readings that this device sends out will also make it possible for doctors to prescribe more exact doses of medicines.

4. Heart Rate Monitors

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The heart rate monitors on treadmills make it possible for high risk individuals to get in as much running, walking or jogging as they can without further compromising their health. They make sure that you don't go above your maximum heart rate for too long, which could compromise your health. These monitors are also built into watches so you can get readings and warnings when you are out jogging or running. Heart rate readers are useful when doing other activities too. Some monitors are more sensitive than others.

5. The Smart Cane

This cane for the visually impaired can detect faces and has built in GPS. The cane notifies the user when it detects faces of the people the user knows. How does it know? Well it just compares them to pictures the user has saved in the canes' smartphone. No joke. When the user wears a Bluetooth headset, the cane's GPS system can tell him how to reach a specific destination.

smart cane

6. The Electronic Bandage

Well the bandages haven't been created yet, but science supports the theory. Researchers managed to find 40 people who allowed themselves to be wounded in two places on their arms. For two weeks, one wound was treated with pulses of electric current, and the other was left to heal naturally. The wound that was treated with pulses of electricity decreased in size much faster and showed substantial new vascular growth.

7. Vscan Access GE Ultrasound for Developing Nations

The Vscan Access GE Ultrasound device was developed for third world countries. It is portable, and it works just like a regular ultrasound device. It has wireless capabilities and allows midwives and doctors to see the internal organs and check on the condition of the fetus. Its applications are not limited to viewing the womb of a pregnant woman. Due to its wireless properties, the practitioners using it can send images to doctors for further analysis. This device is really simple to use, so a sonogram technician is not necessary to operate it. There are also visual instructions to assist the practitioner in using the device correctly. It has a touch screen and six settings to cover the most common uses of an ultrasound device.

By Lizzie WeakleyEmbed


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