Take A Look At This Amazing Virtual Parisian Apartment

Monday, February 2, 2015

 Computer Graphics
CG artist Dereau Benoît has created a delightfully realistic virtual Parisian apartment. "Unreal Paris" crosses the uncanny valley of interior shots in nearly every aspect.

For the demonstration called, "Unreal Paris," computer graphics designer Dereau Benoît has created a hyper-realistic Parisian apartment with living room, dining area, kitchen, bedroom, hallways and even a full bathroom. With all but a few minor elements, the video certainly crosses the uncanny valley of interior shots.

The project uses Epic Games’ latest Unreal Engine 4, and as the video above shows, it is nearly impossible to spot the difference between this virtual reality a real Parisian home.

Unreal Paris

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Benoît has added incredible details from the walls and ceilings filled with ornamental patterns, to the streaming-in sunlight coming in through the windows. Apart from the mirrors, the shadows, textures are very realistic in "Unreal Paris."

"Unreal Paris" points to the future of graphics in gaming, virtual reality and more. Soon it will be impossible for the human eye to tell the difference between what is real and virtual in these media.

The full version of  "Unreal Paris" is also available for download.

Take A Look At This Amazing Virtual Parisian Apartment

"Unreal Paris"

Take A Look At This Amazing Virtual Parisian Apartment

SOURCE  Dereau Benoît

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