5 New Medical Innovations That Prove The Future is Now

Thursday, April 24, 2014

5 New Medical Innovations That Prove The Future is Now

Recent discoveries are definitely going to have a dramatic impact on healthcare in the next decade. There are five medical innovations that are transforming the way we fight disease and deal with medical issues.

The future of medicine is now. Recent discoveries are definitely going to have a dramatic impact on healthcare in the next decade. There are five medical innovations that are transforming the way we fight disease and deal with medical issues. Details about each one are below.

Medical technology companies are focusing more than ever on products that deliver less expensive, faster, more efficient medical care.


Scientists have discovered a way to harness the power of your immune system to fight disease. A drug called MK3475 is being investigated for anti-PD-1 immunotherapy. Cancerous tumors often protect themselves by taking over the body’s natural brake for the immune system. MK3475 releases the brake and unleashes immune cells to hunt down the cancer.

DNA Sequencing  

DNA Sequencing devices are the same size as a cellphone. Nanapore Sequencing devices accelerate efforts to make gene sequencing a regular part of a physical exam. The technology measures changes in the electrical part of a molecule. An Oxford University scientific adviser is working on a nanopore device that will use fluorescent signals to read DNA information.

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Building Brain Cells 

Researchers have found a way to turn pee into human brain cells. Biologists in China have taken cells from urine and modified them by using retroviruses to create progenitor cells. The body uses the cells as building blocks for brain cells. The best benefit of getting cells through this method is urine is almost always freely available.

3D Printed Bones 

Scientists at Washington State University have developed hybrid material that has the same features as real bone. It is made from zinc, silicon and calcium phosphate. They use a 3D printer to create the material and place the model in the body at the site of a fracture. Meanwhile the real bone grows up and around it. The model disintegrates once the process is complete. The benefit of this method is any tissue could be grown with 3D printers.

DNA Legos 

One of the most exciting new medical innovations is DNA Legos. Engineers at Harvard University are using DNA as building blocks. These nano-sized Legos build structures and are a useful way for the engineers to visualize what they are creating. DNA is coded with the letters a, T, G and C. They have created a DNA strand that contains 2 of each letter similar to the Lego pegs. The research possibilities appear to be endless.

Biodegradable Polymers 

With technology taking off in the medical field you can be sure to see more and more biodegradable polymers being used in everything from surgery to extended release capsules. Biodegradable polymers are used mainly in the fields of tissue engineering and drug delivery. Imagine a plastic-like substance being placed in your body to help the regeneration process and then dissolving after a set amount of time. The ultimate goal of tissue engineering is the creation of actual organs. There are places that aredeveloping biomedical polymers for medical devices around the world and this is a fast growing and dynamic field.

Engineers and scientists continue to push through innovative ideas for improving and managing human health. Many medical technology companies are focusing more than ever on products that deliver less expensive, faster, more efficient medical care.

By Meghan BelnapEmbed


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