David Wood Anticipates 2025

Monday, March 17, 2014

At the upcoming Anticipating 2025 Conference in London, David Wood of the London Futurists and others will talk about about "the key technologies, risks and solutions" for dealing with 2025.

At the upcoming Anticipating 2025 Conference, the goal is to elevate serious analysis of the potentially radical scenarios that may unfold between now and 2025.

The speakers will be giving their views as to which future scenarios are technically feasible and desirable. They will also be debating the best steps to take to bring these desirable visions into reality, despite the many roadblocks that are likely to be encountered en route.

At the conference, David Wood of the London Futurists will talk about about "the key technologies, risks and solutions" for dealing with 2025.

"To understand a lot about the technology of the future, you have to understand positive feedback cycles: ongoing cycles of improvement."

As Wood points out, fom now until 2025, there will be seven 18-month Moore’s Law generations, resulting in a 128-fold (27) increase in computing power. That will enable devices that are, for example, five times more powerful, five times cheaper, and five times smaller (hence requiring five times less energy input) than today’s computers.
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Coupled with exponential progress in other technology fields, this means there will be huge potential for change in very many areas of work, play, learning, and healthcare – as well as in our social and economic structures. The potential upsides and potential downsides are both enormous.

Along with Wood, other presenters at Anticipating 2025 will be:

  • - “Transhumanism: An Iterative Design Challenge”
  • - “When the days of aging are clearly numbered, how will humanity react?”
  • David Levy, President of the International Computer Games Association
  • - “The Shift: Why our systems are failing us and what will replace them”
  • Sonia Contera, co-director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Nanotechnology
  • - “Nanotechnology in 2025″
  • - “(em)Powering Africa”
  • - “The Molecular Biology of Spiritual Experience”
  • - “Smarter policy-making through improved collective cognition?”
  • Rohit Talwar, Global Futurist and Founder of Fast Future Research
  • - “Driving forces, global challenges and potential disruptions”
  • - “Updating Technical Values and Hacking Culture-Lag“
  • Maneesh Juneja, Digital Health Futurist and Health 2.0 London Chapter Leader
  • - “Healthcare in the future: will advancing technology make doctors unemployed?”
  • Paul Barnett, Founder & Acting CEO, The Strategic Management Forum
  • - “Re-Thinking Strategy: How organisations can thrive during rapid change ahead”
  • M Amon Twyman, Founder, Zero State and Wave
  • - “The Wave of change: Convergent technologies and disruptive trends in 2025″
  • Andrew Vladimirov, information security expert and DIY brain hacker
  • - “The near future of accessible cognition enhancement and modification”
  • Calum Chace, author of ‘Pandora’s brain’
  • - “Minds and AIs: six important questions”
  • Riva-Melissa Tez, co-Founder, Kardashev Communications
  • - “The three obstacles that prevent emerging technologies from fulfilling their potential”
  • Marco Vega and Peter Brietbart, directors, British Institute of Posthuman Studies
  • - “Cultivating the Future: Benevolent Memes and How to Spread Them”

SOURCE  Future of Humanity Institute

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