What’s Still to Come in 2013 – Exciting Tech Times Ahead

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Google Nexus 10

Lisa Morton breaks down some of the biggest consumer electronics that are just coming out and are yet to be released for 2013.

WWDC came and went, Google I/O is history and IFA 2013 will be wrapping up in no time at all – another tech year comes to an end and we’re left to mull over what’s been delivered.

Well, that is of course unless like me you’re always more interested in what may or may not still be in the pipeline to see the light of day before the end of the year. And if you ask me, some of the potential products still on the cards are actually way more exciting than what we’ve already seen. Big events or otherwise, there’s still plenty of reason to look forward to the closing quarter of 2013 with a bunch of products to keep your eyes out for.

Here’s a quick look at my top picks:
iPhone 5C

Apple iPhone 5C

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I personally have no interest in buying the iPhone 5C or any other iPhone we’ll be seeing in the near future. However, I now that the cheap iPhone 5C has finally arrived, it will once and for all get rid of some of the smugness associated with the moniker as a whole. No longer will owning an iPhone be something folk will be all-too keen to show off about as chances are almost anyone will be able to afford one. Coated in shiny plastic and with a variety of color choices on offer, it should lead to a pretty level playing field I can’t wait to see.

Google Nexus 10 2

Why this isn’t already here I cannot possibly explain – it’s the bigger brother of the Nexus 7 2 that arrived earlier this summer. To be honest though I find this one the more interesting of the two, if only for the reason that I can’t wait to see how it fares against the iPad 5…which I’m not all-that excited about seeing at all, to be honest. The Nexus 10 2 is expected to be faster, brighter, lighter and cheaper than its rival from Apple, so let’s see how the iPad 5 holds its own by once again using its badge as its main weapon.

Google Nexus 5

Google Nexus 5

I thought this wasn’t going to happen once the Moto X was announced, but there’s already plenty of talk that the new Motorola flagship with be halved in price by the end of the year. If so, the only reason can realistically be the arrival of something better – the Google Nexus 5 made by Motorola. Keep your eyes on Q4 for this one.

BlackBerry Z30

I won’t be buying one, but I’m looking forward to seeing how the BB Z3 performs. I’m betting not very well – it’s essentially a slightly bigger Z10 with a dual-core processor and a 720p 5-inch screen…bit of a yawn-fest really.

Samsung Galaxy S5?

Last up, I wouldn’t be betting any money on this one to say the least, but judging by the way the S4 is bombing right now, there could be an early launch of the Samsung Galaxy S5 by the end of the year. Wishful thinking? You bet!

By Lisa MortonSubscribe to 33rd Square

Author Bio - This blog post was brought to you by Lisa Morton on behalf of Consumercheckpoint.co.uk. Click here to find out more about Consumer Checkpoint and the latest technology news.


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