Tuesday, November 12, 2013

 Artificial Intelligence
MAKO is an artificial intelligence system created by 18 year old high school student, Michael Ghandhour. The system, now being crowd funded, is said to be faster and more accurate than Apple's Siri.

Developed by an 18 year old high school student, MAKO is an artificial intelligence system that looks to be the big brother to Siri for your PC.

Michael Ghandour, who programmed MAKO is still a student at Don Antonio Lugo Highschool in California.  His passion since he was 10 years old has been programming. When he was just 11 years old he developed his own video game strictly by java programming language, and raised enough money selling virtual goods on his game that he got his car when he was 14 years old.


Ghandour’s idea came from watching the movie Iron Man and observing the artificial intelligence software the character Tony Stark uses, J.A.R.V.I.S.

“I was thinking, ‘Why wasn’t something like this in the market?’ I thought this would be a great technology for people to have,” he told the Daily Bulletin.
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Ghandour continued to learn programming and now knows seven different programming languages and has developed business experience throughout his childhood. This past summer, he realized what he wanted to become in life, which was a CEO of a major tech company.

"I developed MAKO to revolutionize the way we interact with technology," states Ghandour.  His vision for MAKO is to see that it is implemented on every PC in the nation. He especially wants it to be implemented to people who have disabilities so they may benefit from it's features.

The startup was well on it's way to getting crowd funding through Kickstarter, but due to a mix-up with the Ghandour family accounts, the funding project has been restarted at Indieogogo.

One of the main questions regarding the application is how is MAKO different from Siri and other speech recognition programs?

"This question has been brought to our attention many times, and we wanted to clarify. MAKO is an artificial intelligence program, and so is Siri and Svoice, but MAKO is much smarter," say the developers on their Indigogo website. "It has a biometrics system in which it is capable of learning thousands of names and voices, which MAKO analyzes and uses to grow its knowledge. It can recognize and speak to five or more different people at once and not get confused."


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