Resistance Is Futile According to Cecilia Abadie

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

 Augmented Reality
Google Glass enthusiast Cecilia Abadie recently became possibly the first person to get a traffic ticket for driving while wearing the device.  She suggests augmented reality technology will lead to more transparency in our lives, and that this is a good thing.

R ecently Cecilia Abadie made history as the first person to receive a ticket for driving while wearing Google Glass.

On her G+ page, Abadie asked her fellow Explorers whether or not they had ever experienced something similar: "Is #GoogleGlass illegal while driving or is this cop wrong??? Any legal advice is appreciated!! This happened in California. Do you know any other #GlassExplorers that got a similar ticket anywhere in the U.S.?"
Abadie is one of the early users of Glass, the augmented reality computer systems from Google.

Cecilia Abadie

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Abadie, based on the TED Talk above, is clearly enthusiastic about Google Glass.

Facing some quite scathing comments on the video above, Abadie responded:

"My point overall is that the reality is that we are losing our privacy and moving towards transparency, that's just the observation of a current process that seems to be irreversible, so I just bring the subject to the table to think about it collectively and point out there are some good things about transparency when you do it right, as a society, government, organizations as well as personally."

What do you think, will augmented reality devices like Glass lead to more transparency, or just more distracted driving traffic tickets?


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