Aubrey de Grey Updates Us on SENS Progress

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Recently Alcor Cryonics shared a talk given by Aubrey de Grey at last year's Alcor 40th Anniversary Conference featuring work done by the SENS Foundation to fight aging.

At last year's 40th Anniversary Conference at Alcor Cryonics Aubrey de Grey discussed work done by the SENS Foundation to fight aging.  He also talked about other research that may have a significant effect on aging.

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Fittingly de Grey's work ties in with the cryonics preservation undertaken by Alcor, as it may, one day, provide some of the rejevenation technologies that may revive the patients frozen in Scottsdale.

Dr. de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist based in Cambridge, UK and Mountain View, California, and is the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation, a California-based charity dedicated to combating the aging process.

Aubrey de Grey

He is also Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, the world's highest-impact peer-reviewed journal focused on intervention in aging. He has developed a comprehensive plan for repair of aging damage, termed Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), which breaks aging down into seven major classes of damage and identifies detailed approaches to addressing each one.

According to de Grey, there are seven types of damage that need to be addressed by regenerative medicine in order to solve the aging problem:

Dr, de Grey says that regenerative medicine will bring about the remedies to all seven forms of damage in the future. His definition of regenerative medicine is any intervention that seeks to restore the structure of a tissue or organ to its state before it suffered damage.

So far de Grey is positive about the work at the SENS Foundation, "We have very good reason to believe that we are on a good track and that we have demonstrated our robustness."

SOURCE  Alcor Cryonics
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