How Software Can Help You In Scaling Up

Monday, May 7, 2018

How Software Can Help You In Scaling Up

Many large and enterprise level businesses often start as small and medium-sized businesses and startups. After a certain point in time, their sales volume and other demands increase. In such cases, there exists a need to expand their operations and reach the next level. This process of increasing the operations and expanding the businesses is known as scaling.

Scaling up is often a crucial step for any business. If done properly when there is a substantial demand for the business, it can establish and change the trajectory of the business forever. In the previous times scaling up was often a mammoth task and took a massive amount of time. But thanks to the rapid advances in technology, one can scale one's startup and business to the next level very quickly.

However, everything comes at a price. For scaling up and making it big, one has to be up to date with the current technological developments and frameworks in the industry. Every business that is successful in the present has successfully scaled up in the past.

Also, not every business or startup is meant to be scaled up. Think clearly and tread in the path of scaling up only if you think if there is enough scope for your business to perform.

How Software Can Help in Scaling Up

In many cases, upgrading your development practices and following the right methodologies and practices does the trick. In the times where most of your business needs can be automated because of SaaS and IaaS, the following practices are a must to scale up efficiently.

  • Adapt new development methodologies
  • Gone are the days of waterfall project management structure where teams are involved in a project one after the other leading to near zero flexibility and speed. Methodologies like Agile Software Development and RAD are some really useful alternatives to waterfall project management methodologies.
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  • Both Agile and RAD a.k. A Rapid Application Development Model system is introduced to act as opposite methods to waterfall methods. Both these methods are synonymous in nature as well. With RAD, you start off by developing all the essential parts of the project simultaneously in various teams. Various teams like the Business Management, Development and Marketing teams come together, discuss the project and start developing a minimum viable version of the product and release it. Once the product is released, the team then learns from the feedback and keeps changing things this iterating process is hugely useful for scaling up. 
  • Simple designs, continuous testing, and integration are some of the practices used in Agile development in combination with the practices mentioned in RAD. By transitioning into frameworks and methods like these, scaling up becomes very easy and rewarding.


  • While some tasks are better outsourced, there are some more tasks which are better automated. Automating all the menial, repetitive and monotonous tasks gives you an edge by letting your developers and the other teams focus purely on many challenging tasks. With increasing volume of sales, there is a necessity to automate all the tasks that don’t require intelligence and continuous judgment. 

Cloud is the way to go

With cloud computing becoming rapidly accessible and widely used by many tech giants, it is much recommended for all businesses, either large or small. With cloud, scaling up becomes easy. Having your software and applications in the cloud give you an added advantage of letting your remote employees access them seamlessly.

A bonus tip!

Outsource as much as possible. With remote working and freelancing becoming very common, it is a good practice to opt to outsource any additional work that you have. A rapid rise in development work leads to a massive burden on the in-house development team. In such cases, look at reliable methods of outsourcing the tasks and let your team focus only on the critical technological tasks at hand.

By  Lindsey Patterson Embed

Author Bio - Lindsey is a freelance writer specializing in business and consumer technology.


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