The Five Must-Use Tech Tools for Marketing

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Five Must-Use Tech Tools for Marketing

Because of technology, marketing has come a long way from printed newspaper ads and customer cold calls tracked with a ballpoint pen on paper forms. Today, a huge and diverse collection of tools are marketed to marketers.

Many of these tools are worth using. While the tools you already use may serve your business well, new tech tools can make your job faster and easier. Some tools can even let you reach new customers or make more sales to your existing contacts. We took a look at hundreds of tech tools for marketing and picked out five of the best:

Google Analytics

One marketing tool that is absolutely essential for almost any Internet marketer is Google Analytics. No competitor can measure up to Google's scope and breadth of website analytics. By placing a small piece of code on each web page, Google Analytics will allow you to track where your website visitors are coming from, what they are searching for, what they are looking at on your website, and whether they look around for a while or just take off into the ether. It also inter-operates with Adwords, DoubleClick, and other Google tools that you may already be using. For most businesses, it's completely free.

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Salesforce gives you a Customer Relation Management framework that runs hosted entirely on Salesforce's hardware; you won't need to invest in servers and other infrastructure to use their robust and feature-filled platform. It is easy to use and flexible, with features for increasing customer loyalty and retention. It's a great tool for omni-channel marketing. What is omnichannel, you ask? It's integrating phone, mail, in-person and online sales. It even has the capability to model customer behavior to try to predict future marketing opportunities. The platform has time management and team collaboration features that are designed for keeping your sales team organized. Also, Salesforce claims remarkable increases in lead retention, conversion, and customer satisfaction.


MailChimp is a simple email marketing provider that lets you send up to 12,000 email messages per month to up to 2000 subscribers without paying a cent. It has an easy newsletter designer that makes it a snap to put together your marketing email messages. Flexible and configurable autoresponders can handle many common customer inquiries. Detailed analytics let you see who is reading your email messages and whether they click through to your website. MailChimp is easily the most popular bulk email service, and if you have modest email needs, it's hard to beat $0 price tag. is a cool new service that lets you create personalized chatbots to answer visitor questions on your site. No difficult programming is required; you can teach your chatbots by chatting with them. As you chat, they learn and remember information that they then can use for answering questions in the future. can be an excellent marketing tool for inquisitive website visitors. Also, automated bots can help reduce sales costs. Putting the bot on your site is easy; you simply train the bot on the site and then paste a short piece of code on your website bring the bot live.


Hootsuite is the most popular integrated social media manager. It can manage LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. You can use Hootsuite to schedule social media posts, spreading them out throughout the day or across weeks. You can also use it to target specific times when your customers are likely to be looking at social media. Hootsuite allows watching post interaction on multiple social media accounts from one interface. It makes available detailed tracking information and statistics.

By  Roman Patel Embed


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