Important Things to Learn Before Developing a Business Website

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Important Things to Learn Before Developing a Business Website

It is an open secret that every business requires a website in this technological era. Some companies find it challenging because they lack the right skills to design websites. However, that should not be an issue because they can pay website developers to design and develop the right sites for their businesses. It is advisable to invest in a web developer so that you get a website that will attract traffic and create leads for your business because the web experts have the skills and expertise necessary to develop websites. However, you need to learn certain things before you develop or hire a web designer to build your business website for you.

These things will ensure that you design a helpful website that will ensure the success of your business.


Most businesses usually struggle with this stage when creating their websites because they don't understand what they want. Most businesses know that they want a website, but they have not taken time to map what will be displayed to the world about their brand. It is advisable that you outline what you want your visitors to read or know about your business from the website before you set out to develop it. Notably, your site communicates to your visitors or clients about your business, and the least of the things you want to be displayed is lack of clarity. Let the message be clear rather than jumbled and confusing.

Customer journey

Once you have outlined the message you want to be passed to your visitors, it is now time to envision what to include on your website. You should think about the journey you want to lead your visitors or customers through as they visit your website. First, you want to ensure that you create a positive and lasting first impression on the site's homepage. The journey is based on the single message you want to pass to people through the website. The other aspect is to understand your optimal visitor to the website, and the people you want to benefit from your brand. That will determine what you put on the website. For instance, the youth spend most of their time listening to funny videos or watching YouTube videos. Therefore, if your target group is the younger generation, then you should include more videos than written content so that they can interact better with your website.

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As you plan your site, you want to have a map of all its pages so that you enhance user experience. The question of what is front end web development and how it improves user experience is not new to businesses. Front-end web development explains how a website design is implemented on the web using codes such as CSS and HTML. You need to draw the plan of how you want the pages to look like so that you have a clearer understanding. The drawing will also help a web developer or designer to customize a website that fits in your plan and business needs. You can draw the map with the help of programs such as Paint while mapping the pages that will be included in each section.


A website's functionality impacts directly on how customers view a company's brand. People will have the wrong impression of your website if it is hard to navigate or is not well-organized. If you want to be professional and credible, you must lay out systems that are part of the site's strategy. You should consider the marketing systems you will use, email auto-responder, and the shopping cart to be used.


The content that you put on your website will attract more traffic and also make visitors stay longer and interact more with your website. Content is essential in rankings on search engines as well as encouraging people to purchase more from your company than before. Furthermore, the content also determines your competitive advantage in the market. Your website should have a mixture of images, written content and more videos.

By  Garrett Penn Embed

Author Bio - Garrett Penn is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about small business and technology. Having taken part in many small business startups, Garrett hopes to help others succeed through his tips and tricks. Follow his work on Twitter @Garrettpenn93.


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