How Using Technology Will Optimize the Way You Do Business

Thursday, April 26, 2018

How Using Technology Will Optimize the Way You Do Business

Emerging trends in technology are happening at a rapid rate. What was up and trendy last year is almost old news by the pace of the digital landscape today. Areas of technology are evolving so quickly that you practically need a team of advisors just to stay on top of the research of such tools and products to equip your business with for more efficient operations.

It was just the other day that one of your managers was talking about how the company's BPM software was being used to tighten up many of the corporate procedures that had formerly shown an analytical tendency to push operations to an inefficient state; but, by the end of this quarter the company would be operating in a more acceptable range of efficiency. While you are catching up with what all this means to the well being of your company, here are some prominent technologies that will help you optimize your business operations even further in 2018.

Cloud Adoption the Cautious Way

Your business has begun to make the slow journey to the cloud. Moving too fast can potentially be disruptive to your business and its customers. Providers, offering colocation and hosting services, make it possible for customers to benefit from access to basic cloud services. They are also helping your company to engage in skill training services for your company's staff. Controlled migrations help to ensure that your company will be able to adopt a more rich cloud experience and delegate more of its service-based operations to third party providers as these systemic changes become more integrated into your business's restructuring efforts in the digital landscape.

With AI solutions driving the marketplace today, there is a major thrust to improve SEO by way of voice search, rather than through the old methods of search engine queries. Your company's online assets will need to be optimized to be more relevant. This includes, but is not limited to, your websites, your online reviews and your social media profiles. Especially in saturated markets, your voice search SEO will make the difference between your company sticking out among the many others you are competing with for voice search-related traffic. If you are wondering how significant this is to your business, consider that a fourth of all voice searched queries made in your area are oriented at local destinations and businesses like yours. 

Integrated Virtual Assistants

The next step in AI infiltration of the modern workplace is a multilayered approach to the AI virtual assistant. The technology is already here to begin to implement this infrastructure in many companies, though companies have been slow to adopt such integrated solutions into their facilities. Once introduced, the average worker will simply speak with their virtual assistant to get answers to policies, procedures and general questions like when they are on the schedule next. Such hands on assistance will keep employees from having to bug upper management every time they have a common question or problem, thus making management duties lighter and management more efficient at their own jobs.

Big changes in how technology drives business operations are in store for the rest of 2018. Most of these advancements will be in integrated cloud and AI services. These two areas pretty much define the foreseeable future of streamlining business operations in the digital realm. Adopting these approaches will inevitably lead to a huge reduction in overhead costs for companies that utilize the automation driven progress made in these areas of technology as more of these kinds of business-related solutions emerge.

With more intelligent solutions helping employees stay on top of corporate interests, many companies will find it easier to manage their workers and reach fundamental company goals relevant to improving company performance. These intelligent, tech-based solutions will eventually be able to preempt many forms of inefficiency by monitoring and identifying activities that stray outside of key operational parameters. In this sense, the virtual assistant will become an effective tool and task manager for employees. The virtual assistant will help them be more aware of how to meet the needs of their superiors and stay on track to meet up and coming deadlines with increased regularity.

By  Kevin Faber Embed

Kevin Faber is the CEO of Silver Summit Capital. He graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in Business/Managerial Economics. In his free time, Kevin is usually watching basketball or kicking back and reading a good book.


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