A Cybersecurity Guide for Small Business Owners

Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Cybersecurity Guide for Small Business Owners

Cybersecurity stands as a serious topic in many business circles. In places where it isn't, the topic should be. Entrepreneurs may make the unfortunate mistake and assume cyber-criminals aren't interested in small business enterprises. If one credit card number can be stolen, a hacker walks away with a lot and the business, however small, will face serious repercussions.

A small business likely has several credit card numbers and a great deal of other valuable information within its network. A top priority of any small business owner should be to institute or improve cybersecurity.

Obviously, cybersecurity isn't a do-it-yourself job. Hiring a professional service to handle the work becomes necessary. Small business owners do need to educate themselves on what to look for in cybersecurity professionals and systems.

Be Wary of All Potential Threats

Small business owners must keep vigilant and beware of all potential threats. Hackers and other cybercriminals may launch a variety of different attacks. Several different cybercriminals could launch several attacks on the same businesses. The attacks may range from Denial of Service (DoS) to phishing schemes to keystroke logging viruses to complex hacking.
Wariness alone, however, won't protect sensitive information. Protective measures must be taken in order to reduce the chances of any security breaches. Knowing what the exact threats area does lead a business owner in the right direction in regards to effective safety measures.

Relying on Established Security Measures

The cybersecurity industry has invested billions into developing reliable means of keeping computers and networks safe. The traditional antivirus and firewall combination may work keep even the most ardent cyber-villains from breaching anything. Installing an antivirus and firewall won't be enough, though. The systems must be among the best ones available for your budget. Performing regular antivirus definitions further reduces the potential for viruses and malware to enter a system.

Relying on antiviruses and firewalls by themselves won't be enough. Other security products must be utilized as well.

Securing a Password

A password protection program might be one of the simplest precautionary measures to install. One of the common ways intruders break into a computer, emails, or private online accounts entails compromising or cracking a password. Poor passwords lend an assist to the job of a hacker. They are using sophisticated "password crackers" that quickly figure out easy passwords. Reliable password protection programs could frustrate and defeat intruders. Be sure to invest in a quality one.

Respond to the Hack

To put security measures in place, even high-end measures, won't reduce the chances of a hack down to zero. The chances may be reduced. They cannot be completely eliminated. Determined and skilled hackers might break through. Human error could even disable security measures long enough to open doors to hackers. No matter what the circumstances, the hack takes place. Responding appropriately must become an immediate priority. An MDR managed detection and response team knows what to do when a serious security breach occurs. Procure the services of a company that employs such a top team.

Procure an Insurance Policy

Yes, cybersecurity insurance policies do exist. If a disaster does play out, filing a claim on the policy could lead to recovering the losses associated with a catastrophic hack. Since no guarantees exist to 100% prevent a hack or intrusion, business owners must plan for disasters. Purchasing an insurance policy serves as one way to plan.

Do not rely solely on an insurance policy, though. As would be the case with homeowner's or auto insurance, loss prevention must be the top priority. That means proven security measures must be put in place to prevent any security disasters from occurring. 

Don't Delay Any Security Measures

Today is the right time to address any inadequacies with security measures. Allowing any more time to go by before installing firm security measures places a business and its customers at serious risk. No good excuses exist for being so lax. Again, necessary security measures must be instituted immediately.

By  Mark PalmerEmbed

Author Bio - Mark Palmer is a small business expert and has a passion for helping entrepreneurs make the most out of their company. As a freelance writer, Mark hopes to influence others so they can have a positive business experience.


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