The Great Marketing of Snapchat Geo-Filters

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Great Marketing of Snapchat Geo-Filters

Our smartphones can do so much for us, we might as well expect that they will be able to track where we are and market to us. In fact, this is exactly what happens with the concept of geo-fencing.

Most of leave GPS services turned on through our smartphones all the time. If you pull your phone from your pocket right now and check, you probably have those location services turned on as well. It is a nice and easy way for any of us to use the tools and services offered by such applications to find our way around.

Snapchat Uses Geo-Filters

The popular social media application known as SnapChat has made a big bet on using geo-filters and geo-fencing. What started as just a fun app in which users could send one another pictures which would disappear after just a short period of time. That caught on like wildfire, but users soon wanted more and more features from their new favorite picture sharing social network. The network responded by providing those things to them.

SnapChat now lets you show off where you are when the particular picture or "snap" was taken. Let’s say that you are spending some time at a beautiful beach in the American South, or maybe you are visiting historical landmarks like places in New York. No matter where you are, you can take your snaps and send them out with filters that show where you are. This also enables the company to use geofencing marketing rather effectively.

The Great Marketing of Snapchat Geo-Filters

Geo-Filtering Keeps SnapChat Fun

The main thing that SnapChat has going for it over many other social networks is just how fun it is. Features like the geo-filter keep it different from other sites like Facebook or Twitter. You can easily see why teenagers might want to post their snaps rather than just continue to post on Facebook and Twitter. These are more private and more personalized types of posts. They also do not have the full family as an audience.

There is no question that SnapChat has had to battle back against the likes of Facebook to hold on to its market share. Facebook wanted to purchase the company a number of years ago, but the founder turned down the offer. Since that time, SnapChat has continued to grow, and Facebook has continued to want to do whatever it could to emulate the company and steal away some of its market share. They have been somewhat successful at points with this, but mostly SnapChat has been able to keep them away by keeping things more fun on their own site. 

Reaching Customers Literally Where They Are

The idea of reaching customers where they are has been one held in marketing for a very long time. The concept may not be new, but today's world really allows companies to reach customers precisely where they are. It is possible for a company to look out through technology and see where someone is located geographically. That matters because it might relate to which stores that person is near and the like. With that information in hand, a company can very easily do the kind of marketing that it needs to do on that person.

As you pass by various stores or other buildings, the app can reach out and say "hey take a look at what is going on in there!" and so forth. Those gentle nudges are often all that we really need to be encouraged to enter a particular structure. We might not have realized there was a sale going on before, but we realize it now.

These are the kind of things that geo-marketing is incredibly good at helping out with. The more that it is used by various apps, the stronger it will get. Thus, we should all be on the lookout for a world full of these types of applications in the future.

By  Carol Evenson Embed

Author Bio - Carol Evenson is a corporate trainer and experienced business consultant. She specializes in team management and growth hacking.


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