The Science of Everyday Life: 4 Scientific Marvels You Take for Granted

Monday, June 5, 2017

Scientific Marvels You Take for Granted


There are so many technologies out there that people take for granted but should not. Science is an amazing part of humanity, and it has helped humanity grow closer in many ways, which should be celebrated.

It is easy for people to be unimpressed with science in these modern times. A survey shows that people are not impressed about the first time a person set foot on the moon. This was a feat that defined a generation and propelled human imagination, yet people do not think it was much of anything now. The following are four scientific marvels that people have also begun to take for granted.


Scientists figured out that there is a magnetic pull across the plane; this is something that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They built a small magnet-based compass that could align with the earth's magnetic pole, which shows you where you are heading at all times. It is a pretty exciting and simple piece of technology that is often taken for granted.


Human beings do not have the ability to fly like a bird, no matter how much you might have dreamed about it, yet we figured out how to 'fake it' with planes. People think of planes as nothing more than aerial buses and get upset when there are delays. Many people read a book or watch a movie to pass the time because being up in the air is a little too boring. The fact is that being able to fly is an exciting ability given to people by scientists, yet no one makes a big deal about flying.

flying machine
For centuries people dreamed of flying, now we take it for granted.

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Naturalists do not care for plastic, but making this material did revolutionize the way things are packaged. It made packaging easier, cheaper, and the material is long-lasting. Making plastic is a pretty complicated procedure as it requires a combination of things like coal, cellulose, natural gas, salt, and crude oil, just to name a few of the compounds present. If you’re ever curious to see just how amazing plastic really is, try googling a company like E-Plas who manufactures plastic. You might be surprised what you see.


Communication is essential for a growing society. There was a time when long distance communication relied on birds or beacons that were lit across lands, but the amount of information shared among these was limited. The idea of using a device to transfer voice from one location to another instantly was science fiction, yet this is what a phone can do. The device captures sound and transfers it to another location. Phones today can even transfer images and live video, but some people do not care much about the invention beyond its ability to share videos or pictures that can be liked on social media.

There are several other marvels out there that people take for granted and should not. Science is an essential part of our humanity, and it has helped us grow closer.

By  Kara MastersonEmbed


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