Tech Innovations That Are Human-Friendly

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tech Innovations That Are Human-Friendly


In order to achieve sustainable living on earth, issues such as global warming, exhaustion of vital resources like water, wastage of energy, and deforestation have to be addressed accordingly.

A recent report from the United Nations indicates that the energy needs of the world will go up by sixty percent by 2030 due to an upsurge of the population by 2.9 billion people. Here are some of the newer tech innovations that will make the future brighter for humans.

Reduction of Carbon Dioxide

A study from the Energy Information Administration shows that by the year 2030, the globe will be emitting about 8, 000 million metric-tons of Carbon Dioxide, which is the greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. One of the methods of reducing the emissions of this prominent global warming gas into the atmosphere is injecting it into the ground. CO2 can be buried in oil wells, saline reservoirs, and rocks that have been abandoned. Although the technology has not been fully operationalized, scientists are still trying to figure out more viable innovations of separating the gas from other emission gasses before burying it permanently.

Furthermore, combustion of fossil fuels and liquefied petroleum products contributes to global warming. An invention like Inventive Power, specially designed solar panels, has brought about a thermal energy collector that can create high-temperature steam for producing electrical power. The system can be installed on the rooftops of industries and in the process reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.

CO2 Emissions from Energy creation
Growth in world electricity demand and related CO2 emissions since 1990 (left) and related CO2 emissions by region (right). Source - International Energy Agency 

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Oil production

A process called thermal-depolymerization is being used to produce oil from almost anything by adding heat and pressure to carbon-based products. Although this is a natural process of making oil that nature uses in giving planet earth this valuable product, the innovation enables an expedited production of oil from used tires, turkey guts, among other products to get the byproduct.


Water shortage is projected to affect the world immensely in years to come. The introduction of desalination processes has enabled communities that experience limited supplies of water to remove salt and other minerals from salty seawater to make it useful to humans. The biggest hiccup with this particular tech innovation is that it utilizes a lot of energy, making it an expensive ordeal for marginalized communities that lack enough water sources, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Scientists are still trying to figure out better ways of using inexpensive fuels for heating and evaporating the water before they run it through membranes that have microscopic pores, as a cheaper option.

Disaster management

International organizations and smaller communities have embraced EBS analytic tools like Kafka on AWS, social media platforms, and satellite enabled sensory monitoring solutions so as to process data in real-time. Processing Big Data in a real-time manner in situations of disaster can streamline the rescue processes because it aids faster responses. Leaders of various organizations and communities can make informed decisions in a timely way and thus help in solving various crises quickly and efficiently than when basing their decisions on mere instinct.

Sunny New Ideas

The photons of the sun energy that reach planet earth can be transformed into clean energy to be used in various industries. Homeowners and companies can now utilize this energy in cutting down on electric energy utility bills and still maintain their sustainability. Solar cells and solar thermal collectors are two of the most common types.

Sunny New Ideas

Innovators are still on the verge of coming up with the best conversion limits that utilize parabolic dishes and mirrors in optimally converting the solar power through a concentration process. Governments across the world are also giving out incentives to homeowners and commercial building owners who invest in solar installations and other renewable/clean sources of energy on their properties. All these efforts and innovation ideas are channeled towards encouraging people to embrace environment-friendly sources of energy.

By  Kevin FaberEmbed

Kevin Faber is the CEO of Silver Summit Capital. He graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in Business/Managerial Economics. In his free time, Kevin is usually watching basketball or kicking back and reading a good book.


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